Weekly Bulletin – March 26, 2023


Devotional How constantly our Master used the title, the "Son of man!" If He had chosen, He might always have spoken of Himself as the Son of God, the Everlasting Father, the Wonderful, the Counsellor, the Prince of Peace; but behold the lowliness of Jesus! He prefers to call Himself the Son of [...]

Weekly Bulletin – March 26, 20232023-03-25T18:34:18-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 158th Edition – March 19, 2023


“My grace is sufficient for thee”  [II Corinthians 12:9]      Sickness is the common lot of all people.  It is no respecter of persons.  Kings and subjects, rich and poor, teacher and pupil, doctor and patient, will all at some time face illness.  No door is strong enough, or wall thick enough to bar [...]

Bits and Pieces – 158th Edition – March 19, 20232023-03-19T14:12:14-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 157th Edition – March 12, 2023


     Today we enter into Daylight Saving Time for another year, and once more we are forced to think of the mystery of time.  We live in a time-conscious society.  We all have multiple timepieces and our lives are governed by time. It is one of the most mysterious of all subjects.      What [...]

Bits and Pieces – 157th Edition – March 12, 20232023-03-11T19:22:23-05:00

Weekly Bulletin – March 12, 2023


Devotional “Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.” Genesis 31:24 The vulnerability of men to the attacks of others has been amply demonstrated in history. Monarchs, emperors, and presidents have all fallen at the hands of assassins, despite the most careful and thorough attempts to protect them. The [...]

Weekly Bulletin – March 12, 20232023-03-11T19:08:45-05:00

Bits and Pieces – 156th Edition – March 5, 2023


“Wilt thou go with this man?”      The bride of Christ – of all the figures used to describe the relationship between believer and Saviour, this is perhaps the most tender.  How beautifully it is brought to mind by the question put to Rebekah, “Wilt thou go with this man?” [Genesis 24:58].      The [...]

Bits and Pieces – 156th Edition – March 5, 20232023-03-04T21:32:08-05:00

Bits and Pieces – 155th Edition – February 26, 2023


“Comfort one another with these words” [1 Thessalonians 4:18]      Thessalonica was one of those places that proved to be a mixed blessing for Paul.  When he preached the Word of God, many were converted and turned to Christ.  But there were also certain “lewd fellows of the baser sort” who instigated a riot in [...]

Bits and Pieces – 155th Edition – February 26, 20232023-02-25T20:40:37-05:00

Weekly Bulletin – February 26, 2023


Devotional “The Lord God of heaven... shall send his angel before thee.” Genesis 24:7 "Slow of heart to believe" was the charge the Saviour had to make of His disciples. It is also a charge that would stand against every one of us from time to time. Is it not true that often [...]

Weekly Bulletin – February 26, 20232023-03-01T08:47:40-05:00

Bits and Pieces – 154th Edition – February 19, 2023


“An anchor of the soul”  [Hebrews 6:19].      Paul was a mighty Preacher of the Word and often impressed divine truth upon his hearers with a powerful illustration from his own experience.  For example, he was shipwrecked at Melita, but so that the sailors could commit the ship to the uncertain shore in daylight, [...]

Bits and Pieces – 154th Edition – February 19, 20232023-02-18T13:20:37-05:00

Weekly Bulletin – February 19, 2023


Devotional "He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them." Psalm 145:19 His own Spirit has wrought this desire in us, and therefore He will answer it. It is His own life within which prompts the cry, and therefore He will hear [...]

Weekly Bulletin – February 19, 20232023-02-22T21:16:12-05:00

Bits and Pieces – 153rd Edition – February 12, 2023


“Our light affliction, which is but for a moment” [1 Corinthians 4:17]      Paul was no stranger to suffering.  He gave a catalogue of the afflictions he endured as he preached the Gospel of Christ – a total of 190 lashes laid upon his bare back in five separate scourgings; three times beaten with rods; [...]

Bits and Pieces – 153rd Edition – February 12, 20232023-02-11T16:42:05-05:00
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