“When I have a convenient season” Acts 24:25

     Paul almost lost his life in Jerusalem.  When he went into the temple with some friends, a riot situation developed.  Paul would have been murdered had it not been for the timely intervention of the chief captain of the Roman army, who took him into custody for his own safety.

     Later, when he was defending himself, the people were so incensed that they would have killed him had not the soldiers rescued him.  The next day over forty men took an oath not to eat or drink until Paul was dead.  One wonders what happened to them and their oath, for Paul lived quite some years after this incident!

     To bring calm, Claudius Lysias sent Paul by night under heavy guard from Jerusalem to the Roman headquarters at Caesarea.  There the Jews were invited to lay their charges against Paul in a reasonable manner.  Felix, the Roman procurator of Judea, listened intently to Paul’s story and, some days after the hearing, called for Paul to speak to him and his wife about Christ and the Christian faith.  So powerfully did Paul speak of “righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come” that Felix was literally terrified.  He quickly dismissed Paul and told him he would call him at some convenient season.

     It is the old story, putting off to tomorrow what should be done today.  Do you delay coming to Christ because you think a better opportunity will present itself?  There is no better time than now.

     Christian, is God leading you to some special service, which you keep putting off, waiting for a more convenient season?  There is no time like the present.


“The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind: The Lord raiseth them that are bowed down”  [Psalm 146:8]

     Is it a sad bereavement, or a great fall in circumstances?  Some are so bowed that only Jesus can loose them from their infirmity, but He can and He will, do it.  He can raise us up to health, to hope, to happiness.  He has often done so under former trials, and He is the same Saviour, and will repeat his deeds of loving-kindness.  We who are today bowed down and sorrowful, shall yet be set on high, and those who now mock at us shall be greatly ashamed.

     What an honour to be raised up by the Lord.  It is worthwhile to be bowed down that we may experience His upraising power. [C.H. Spurgeon]


“Unto you therefore which believe He is precious”  [I Peter 2:7]

     In penning these words, Peter must have had many precious memories of Christ.  He could recall every feature of His beloved Saviour.  He could remember the matchless tones of His voice and the tender strength of the hands that lifted him as he sank in the Sea of Galilee.  But Peter went even further than isolating certain features of the Saviour as being precious.  He said, “He is precious.”

     This is the language of love and experience, the rapture of a soul that has proved the worth of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Every redeemed soul confesses this; every believer knows it from personal experience that Jesus Christ is precious.  [Dr. Alan Cairns].

What though the world its gifts deny,

I’ve riches more than gold can buy,

The key to treasures in the sky

Oh, bless the Lord, I’ve Jesus!


Psalms of Tribulation.

For David’s Psalms had ne’er been sung

If David’s heart had not been wrung.

Psalms of Jubilation.

For David’s Psalms had ne’er been sung

If David’s heart had ne’er been strung.

Psalms of Inspiration.

For David’s Psalms had ne’er been sung

Had David’s God ne’er touched his tongue.


     John Fraser Jr. (son of John and Joanne) and Shaunna Thomas (daughter of Huw and Christine) were married in an open-air service at Riverbend estate in Niagara-on-the-Lake on Friday.  Despite the inclemency of the weather earlier in the week, Friday afternoon was beautiful.  The service was conducted by Pastor Jason Matta. The young couple will be honeymooning in British Columbia.