Not An Option

“Sing forth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious.” Psalm 66:2

It is not left to our own option whether we shall praise God or not. Praise is God’s most righteous due, and every Christian, as the recipient of His grace, is bound to praise God from day to day. It is true we have no authoritative rubric for daily praise; we have no commandment prescribing certain hours of song and thanksgiving: but the law written upon the heart teaches us that it is right to praise God; and the unwritten mandate comes to us with as much force as if it had been recorded on the tables of stone, or handed to us from the top of thundering Sinai. Yes, it is the Christian’s duty to praise God. It is not only a pleasurable exercise, but it is the absolute obligation of his life. Think not ye who are always mourning, that ye are guiltless in this respect, or imagine that ye can discharge your duty to your God without songs of praise. You are bound by the bonds of His love to bless His name so long as you live, and His praise should continually be in your mouth, for you are blessed, in order that you may bless Him; “this people have I formed for myself, they shall show forth my praise”; and if you do not praise God, you are not bringing forth the fruit which He, as the Divine Husbandman, has a right to expect at your hands. Let not your harp then hang upon the willows, but take it down, and strive, with a grateful heart, to bring forth its loudest music. Arise and chant His praise. With every morning’s dawn, lift up your notes of thanksgiving, and let every setting sun be followed with your song. Girdle the earth with your praises; surround it with an atmosphere of melody, and God Himself will hearken from heaven and accept your music. – C.H. Spurgeon

The Lord's Day Services

Sunday, October 10, 2021

9:55 a.m. Sunday School – Rev. Ian Goligher

11:00 a.m. Morning Worship – Rev. Ian Goligher SermonAudio Link

5:50 p.m. Pre-service Prayer

6:30 p.m. Evening Worship – Pastor Saunders SermonAudio Link

Weekly Announcements

Wednesday, October 13th

7:30 p.m. Trinitarian Bible Society meeting

UPDATE: Pastor Pooyan could not make it to Canada. Instead, Haile Emiru, the main translator of the Amharic NT, and Jonathan Arnold, the Society’s editorial director, will be our guest speakers. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Thursday, October 14th

6:00 p.m. Session Meeting

7:30 p.m. Session and Board Meeting

Saturday, October 16th

7:00 p.m. FPC Connect Group – on Zoom

Advanced Announcements

Sunday, October 17th

9:55 a.m. Sunday School

11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 

5:50 p.m. Pre-Service Prayer 

6:30 p.m. Evening Worship

Wednesday, October 20th

7:30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer

Sunday, October 31st

11:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. – Rev. Ryan McKee

4:50 p.m. Session and Board Prayer

Thanksgiving Food Donations

We encourage our congregation to share the bounty the Lord has blessed us with during this Thanksgiving season.  We ask that you bring some non-perishable food items to donate to those in need in our community. Please ensure to check the “best before” date. There will be baskets in the church foyer to receive your donations. Thank you!

Women's Bible Study

Port Hope FPC

Port Hope FPC will be holding a week of anniversary meetings on October 25-29 at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Ryan McKee, from Magherafelt FPC in N. Ireland, will be the guest preacher. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The Shorter Catechism

Q75: What is forbidden in the eighth commandment?

A: The eighth commandment forbiddeth whatsoever doth or may unjustly hinder our own1 or our neighbour’s wealth or outward estate.2
1. If any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. (1Timothy 5:8).
2. He that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough. (Proverbs 28:19b).
Because he hath oppressed and hath forsaken the poor; because he hath violently taken away an house which he builded not; Surely he shall not feel quietness in his belly. (Job 20:19-20a).

The Children's Catechism - History

Q30: Who was Abraham?

A: The friend of God and the father of the faithful.

Please Pray for