Church Bulletin – July 23, 2017


"They shall go hindmost with their standards."  Numbers 2:31 The camp of Dan brought up the rear when the armies of Israel were on the march. The Danites occupied the hindmost place, but what mattered the position, since they were as truly part of the host as were the foremost tribes; they followed the [...]

Church Bulletin – July 23, 20172017-07-21T14:15:26-04:00

Church Bulletin – July 9, 2017


“Rejoice evermore.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16 Most people think that John 11:35 (“Jesus wept”) is the shortest verse in the Bible, but our text is actually even shorter in the original Greek. In one sense, these two two-word verses complement each other—because Jesus wept, we can rejoice evermore. Christ died that we might live. He [...]

Church Bulletin – July 9, 20172017-07-08T10:33:02-04:00

Church Bulletin – June 11, 2017


“Cleanse thou me from secret faults. Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.” Psalm 19:12-13 David, the author of this majestic psalm of praise to God for His revelation of Himself and [...]

Church Bulletin – June 11, 20172017-06-10T14:29:22-04:00

Church Bulletin – June 4, 2017


“The king also himself passed over the brook Kidron”. 2 Samuel 15:23 David passed that gloomy brook when flying with his mourning company from his traitor son. The man after God's own heart was not exempt from trouble, nay, his life was full of it. He was both the Lord's Anointed, and the Lord's [...]

Church Bulletin – June 4, 20172017-06-03T14:49:31-04:00

Church Bulletin – May 28, 2017


“Pray without ceasing…” 1 Thessalonians 5:17  Our thinking about prayer, whether right or wrong, is based on our own mental conception of it. The correct concept is to think of prayer as the breath in our lungs and the blood from our hearts. Our blood flows and our breathing continues “without ceasing”; we are [...]

Church Bulletin – May 28, 20172017-05-27T12:22:02-04:00

Church Bulletin – May 21, 2017


“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me”  Psalm 138:7  The Hebrew rendering of the above is “go on in the center of trouble.” What descriptive words! We have called on God in the day of trouble; we have pleaded His promise of deliverance but no deliverance has been given; [...]

Church Bulletin – May 21, 20172017-05-20T18:30:52-04:00

Church Bulletin – May 7, 2017


“…He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” Galatians 6:8 Sowing looks like a losing business, for we put good corn into the ground never to see it anymore. Sowing to the Spirit seems a very fanciful, dreamy business; for we deny ourselves and apparently get nothing for it. [...]

Church Bulletin – May 7, 20172017-05-04T00:48:21-04:00
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