Hope Keeps Us Going
“The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.” Psalm 147:11
Among those treasures with which we are all endowed by nature, hope stands by itself as being at once the most precious and the most treacherous.
Just because hope is so common we accept it as a matter of course, without realizing how precious it is. Without it life in a fallen world would be unbearable; without it the zest for living would disappear almost at once; without it one hour of adversity would break our spirits and drive millions to suicide. It is not too much to say that if all hope were destroyed within the human breast, the race of mankind would die out altogether in a very few years. Even the procreative drive and the instinct for self-preservation would hardly be strong enough to save from extinction a race from which all hope had fled.
Hope is a nurse and comforter and enables us to go on after every reason for going on has disappeared. Hope has sustained the spirit of a shipwrecked sailor and given him strength to stay alive through the long days that seemed years till help and rescue came; hope has steeled the patriot to fight on and win at last against overwhelming odds; hope has saved from insanity or suicide the prisoner in his lonely cell as he checked off the years and months and days on his homemade calendar; hope has enabled the sick or injured man to wait out the pain and the nausea till health returned and the suffering ended; hope has made light the feet of the traveler hurrying home in near exhaustion to the bedside of someone he loved. – A.W. Tozer
The Lord's Day Services
Sunday, September 24th
10:00a.m. Sunday School classes for all ages.
11:00a.m. Morning Service – Dr. Larry Saunders
6:00p.m. Pre-Service Prayer Time
6:30p.m. Evening Service –Dr. Larry Saunders
Fellowship & Refreshments following the evening service. Team #3 is on duty.
Weekly Announcements
Wednesday, September 27th
7:25p.m. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Friday, September 29th
9:00a.m. Women’s Morning Bible Study
7:00p.m. Good News Bible Club
Advance Announcements
Sunday, October 1st
10:00a.m. Sunday school for all ages.
11:00a.m. Morning Service – Dr. Larry Saunders
Communion following the morning service.
6:00p.m. Pre-Service Prayer Time
6:30p.m. Evening Service – Dr. Larry Saunders
Wednesday, October 4th
7:25p.m. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Friday, October 6th
7:00p.m. Good News Bible
Special Reformation & Thanksgiving Services
On Sunday, October 8th, Dr. Alan Cairns will be with us for special meetings focussing on the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Please be in prayer for these services and ask your family and friends to join us.
Thanksgiving Food Donations
Each year, we encourage all in our congregation to share of the bounty the Lord has blessed us with. We ask that you bring some non-perishable food items by Sunday, October 8th, so that we can donate to those who are in need in our community.
My Grace is Sufficient for Thee
When, sin-stricken, burdened, and weary,
From bondage I longed to be free,
There came to my heart the sweet message:
“My grace is sufficient for thee.”
Though tempted and sadly discouraged,
My soul to this refuge will flee,
And rest in the blessed assurance:
“My grace is sufficient for thee.”
My bark may be tossed by the tempest
That sweeps o’er the turbulent sea—
A rainbow illumines the darkness:
“My grace is sufficient for thee.”
O Lord, I would press on with courage,
Though rugged the pathway may be,
Sustained and upheld by the promise:
“My grace is sufficient for thee.”
Soon, soon will the warfare be over,
My Lord face to face I shall see,
And prove, as I dwell in His presence:
“His grace was sufficient for me.”