Higher Than I
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2
Most of us know what it is to be overwhelmed in heart, emptied like when a man wipes a dish and turns it upside down, submerged and thrown on our beam-ends like a boat mastered by the storm. Discoveries of inward corruption will do this, if the Lord permits the depth of our depravity to become troubled and cast up mire and dirt. Disappointments and heartbreaks will do this when billow after billow rolls over us, and we are like a broken shell thrown to and fro by the surf.
Blessed be God, at such seasons we are not left without a sufficient solace: Our God is the harbor of weather-beaten sails, the hostel for forlorn pilgrims. He is higher than we are, His mercy higher than our sins, His love higher than our thoughts. It is pitiful to see men putting their trust in something lower than themselves; but our confidence is fixed on an exceedingly high and glorious Lord. He is a Rock since He doesn’t change, and a high Rock because the tempests that overwhelm us roll far beneath His feet; He is not disturbed by them but rules them at His will. If we get under the shelter of this lofty Rock, we may defy the hurricane; all is calm under the lee of that towering cliff. Sadly, the confusion in which the troubled mind is often cast is such that we need piloting to this divine shelter.
Hence the prayer of the text. O Lord, our God, by Your Holy Spirit, teach us the way of faith; lead us into Your rest. The wind blows us out to sea—the helm does not answer to our puny hand; You alone can steer us over the bar between the sunken rocks and safe into the fair haven. We are totally dependent upon You—we need You to bring us to You. To be wisely directed and steered into safety and peace is Your gift, and Yours alone. Tonight be pleased to deal kindly with Your servants. – C.H. Spurgeon
The Lord’s Day Services
September 25th |
10:00a.m. | Sunday School for all ages. |
11:00a.m. | Morning Service – Rev. Lee Sterritt | |
6:00p.m. | Pre-Service Prayer Meeting | |
6:30p.m. | Evening Service – Dr. Larry Saunders |
Weekly Announcements
September 28th |
7:25p.m. | Bible Study & Prayer Meeting |
September 30th |
9:00a.m. | Women’s Morning Bible Study |
7:00p.m. | Good News Bible Club |
Advance Announcements
October 2nd |
10:00a.m. | Sunday School Classes for all ages. |
11:00a.m. | Morning Service – Rev. Thomas Martin
Lisburn FPC, N. Ireland |
12:00p.m. | Communion Service – Dr. Larry Saunders | |
6:00p.m. | Pre-service Prayer Meeting | |
6:30p.m. | Evening Service – Rev. Thomas Martin
Lisburn FPC, N. Ireland |
October 5th |
7:25p.m. | Bible Study and Prayer Meeting |
October 6th |
7:30p.m. | Youth Fellowship |
October 7th |
7:00p.m. | Good News Bible Club |
Please Pray For:
Adoniram Judson Gordon

“Not simply the righteousness of our Saviour, not simply the beauty of His holiness or the graces of His character, are we to put on as a garment. The Lord Himself is our vesture. Every Christian is not only a Christ bearer, but a Christ wearer. We are so to enter into Him by communion, to be so endued with His presence, and imbued with His Spirit that men shall see Him when they behold us, as they see our garments when they look upon our bodies.”
Special Thanks!

We thank the Lord for blessing us during the past weekend of special services. Our hearts are filled with praise to God for all He has done for us. Also, to the many who have helped with planning, design, printing, webcasting, hospitality, food and a host of other things, we give our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for your work and labour of love to God and His work.
Presbytery Meetings Oct 3rd – 7th Indianapolis, IN

Please remember Dr. Saunders and all our Ministers and Elders as they gather for meetings and times of prayer. We trust the Lord for safety in travel and that they would know the nearness and direction of the Lord.
Thanksgiving Food Donation – Sunday Oct 10th

Each year, we encourage all in our congregation to share of the bounty the Lord has blessed us with. We ask that you would bring some non-perishable food items that we can donate to those who are in need in our community.