A random collection of news and views compiled by Frank McClelland for the Toronto Free Presbyterian Church.
226th Edition – January 19, 2025
Last week we looked at the sun as a picture of Jesus, the “Sun of righteousness” [Malachi 4:1]. Today we consider the moon which is a wonderful picture of the bride of Christ, the Church.
“Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?” [Song 6:10]
How is the moon a picture of the church?
THE MOON HAS NO LIGHT OF ITS OWN. It gives only reflected light. It is dependent on the sun whose light it reflects. As we have seen, Jesus is the “Sun of righteousness” and the body of believers, the Church, has no light of its own. It must reflect the light of Him who is the “Light of the world” [John 8:12]. John the Baptist, we are told, was “not that Light” but was to “bear witness of that Light” [John 1:8]. We are like John.
At nighttime we cannot see the sun but when the moon is glowing we know that the sun is still there. Likewise, we cannot see Jesus on earth as the disciples once did, but His people should reflect the beauty of Christ so that others would know He is still there.
THE MOON HAS DIFFERENT PHASES. These are the new moon, first quarter, full, and last quarter. Each phase is determined by the moon’s relation to the sun. Like the moon the church has shone differently throughout history. It was full in apostolic times, then waned until reformation fires and revivals once more caused it to shine brightly. Today? Are we in the dullness of the last quarter? How do we shine personally for the Lord?
THE MOON SHOWS ONLY ONE FACE TO EARTH. The back of the moon can not be seen from our world. Adam, Abraham and Job saw the same view of the moon as we do.
The church has but one message. Some suggest different messages for different ages. But from Adam’s “coats of skins,” through the Old Testament sacrifices, to the Lord’s death on the cross, the message is the same, “Without shedding of blood is no remission” [Hebrews 9:22].
THE MOON HAS AN INFLUENCE UPON EARTH. Next to the sun the moon has the most influence on Earth by means of tides and weather etc. The tides help provide oxygen which is life-giving. The church’s life-giving ministry leads people to find eternal life through the Gospel of Christ.
The moon’s influence is heightened by its separation from the earth. Its distance is just right. As believers we are in this world, but not of it. A boat in the water is no problem, but if the water is in the boat, then you have a problem. A Christian in the world is not a problem, but if you have the world in the Christian then you have a problem.
Remember the sun is a picture of Christ and the moon pictures the Church. Both heavenly orbs participate in eclipses, and there are vital lessons to learn from them.
AN ECLIPSE OF THE SUN occurs when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun and the Sun is darkened. There are times when the Church hides the face of Christ when the church gets so important and tells people they must belong to it to be saved. There are several of these churches.
AN ECLIPSE OF THE MOON takes place when the Earth gets between the Sun and the Moon and the Moon stops shining. What a sad thing it is when a Christian becomes so worldly minded that he no longer shines for Christ. May the Lord preserve us from such carnality that blots out our witness. May He keep us shining, “fair as the moon.”
Some years ago NASA launched the space probe, Voyager II, to pass by the planets of our solar system. The journey took several years as the spacecraft came near to Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. When it passed near Neptune it had already covered 2.7 billion miles. It was a remarkable journey and they said it was like hitting a golf ball on Earth and scoring a hole-in-one on the moon. Sadly, no mention was made of the great Creator who made all these heavenly orbs, and sustains them to the very second so they could plan such a journey.