Bits and Pieces is a random collection of news and views compiled by Dr. Frank McClelland for Toronto F.P.C.


SERMONAUDIO.COM SERVICES.  Amazingly, it is now seven weeks since we started self-isolating, and today is the fifth Sunday when we have had no public church services.  But not to worry, for the duration of the Covid19 lockdown, the Toronto adult Bible classes (10.00am) and services (11.00am & 6.30pm) will continue to be aired on

The Wednesday evening prayer meeting will be broadcast on the interactive  This allows participants to see each other and actively take part in prayer.  Contact Jonathan at 416-676-2917 or for the meeting I.D. and password for the current week.  Those already on the church e-mail list will receive this information automatically.


FRANCIS RODRIGUES. The heart-felt sympathy of the Toronto congregation goes out to deacon Joaquim Rodrigues and his family on the death of his father in India.  Francis visited Toronto for several months some years ago.  When he was here, he was baptized in the church and, on his return to India, bore a good testimony for the Lord.  His death was particularly difficult for, due to the Covid19 restrictions, Joaquim as he could not attend the funeral of his beloved father. Our prayers are with the Rodrigues family.


COMMUNICATING WITH GOD.  This is undoubtedly the age of instant communication.  In the last hundred years society has gone from the telephone as a domestic novelty, to today’s indispensable “smart phones” that seem to govern every moment of every day for many people, almost in some cases to the point of idolatry.

As Solomon observed, “There is no new thing under the sun”. (Ecclesiastes1:9).  Instant communication with a faraway place is nothing new.  When telephones first came into general use some preacher likened prayer to a telephone to heaven.  Prayer to God predates by millennia today’s electronic gadgets, and is vastly superior to them, for it does not need a vast network of cell towers and satellites to make it work.

Prayer is a priceless privilege and the source of our spiritual power.  The devil knows this and will do all in his power to hinder us.  With God there are no “line busy” delays or “select an option” messages.  He hears.  He answers.  Start this day by calling on Him.


WORTH REMEMBERING“Prayer is a swift messenger, which in the twinkling of an eye can go and return with an answer from heaven.”   (William S. Plumer).


BIBLE BOOKS PUZZLE.  Alan Rogerson sent this puzzle to help children, and adults, pass the time during the Covid 19 lock down.

The names of 16 Bible books are hidden in the paragraph below. Can you find them?

“I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. A certain Luke kept people looking so hard for facts, and for others, it was a revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the names of the books were not capitalized. But the truth finally struck home to numbers of our readers. To others it was a job. We want it to be a most fascinating little moment for you. Yes, there will be some really easy ones to spot. Others may require judges to help find them. I will quickly admit it usually takes the preacher to find one of them, and there will be loud lamentations when it is found. A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. See how you will compete. Relax now, for there really are sixteen books of the Bible in this paragraph.”


EMMANUEL CHRISTIAN SCHOOL.  The Belfast Newsletter is one of the world’s oldest newspapers, first published in 1737.  On Monday past it carried an extensive, and colourful, article on Emmanuel Christian School in Uganda, operated by the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster.

The school principal is Noreen McAfee from Ballymoney FPC, ably assisted by Andrew and Hannah Foster from Comber FPC.  There are currently 393 students.  There are also a number of local teachers.

The work was started with 16 pupils in 2002 by Rev. Noel Kelly.  In 2014 he asked the Free Presbyterian Church to take over the work.  After several visits to assess the situation the FPC officially took over on April 30, 2017.  The immediate needs were to get electricity and clean water into the complex.  Two major boreholes yielded water, and a work party from Ulster installed the electrical power.  Like the rest of the world Uganda is under lockdown, but the staff are using the time to get food etc. to the needy. Do pray for the staff and students. Click here to read the full article – Emmanuel Christian School