Bits and Pieces is a random collection of news and views compiled by Dr. Frank McClelland for Toronto F.P.C.


Make the Bible more than reading material.  Read in order to understand.  Understand in order to learn.  Learn in order to obey.  The Lord has plainly made known to us His will in the gospel of His Son.  Let us then embrace all He has said.  Let us count His Word a feast of royal dainties. What a rich provision He has given us there!  There He reveals the majesty of His person, the glory of His grace, and the preciousness of His Son.  There He expounds to us the power of the blood of the Lamb and the security of our standing in Christ.  There He meets with us to feed us and strengthen us.  We need never go away hungry from His table.  Feed richly of the divine Word today. [Dr. Cairns]


This week we have been remembering the suffering of two World Wars.  In Psalm 103:2 the Lord also reminds us to remember the spiritual, temporal and mental benefits of being a Christian.  [Psalm 103:2].

Among the Spiritual Benefits is forgiveness.  The serious problem of our sin required an immense remedy, the death of Christ.  The Lord removed our sins from us an immeasurable distance, “as far as the east is from the west” [v12].  He healed us from the leprosy of sin [v3].  He redeemed us and bought us out of the devil’s pawnshop.  He “crowned us with loving kindness and tender mercies” [v4].  He satisfied our mouth with “good things” [v5]. This Psalm contains no petition but is one continuous praise.

There are also Temporal Blessings for the Christian.  All other things being equal we ought to be healthier because of a cleaner lifestyle.  We abstain from abusive substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs, and so do not lay ourselves open to the multitude of bodily ailments that follow their use.  Also, the Christian ought to be more prosperous for he does not need to spend hard-earned money on the vices mentioned or on the price of worldly entertainments.  The world races after the latest fashions, and foibles, which cost a fortune.  In addition, the Christian should be more stable.  He can think for himself and ought not to be stampeded into useless “follow-the-leader” decisions.

There are many Mental Benefits for the Christian, especially peace.  We have peace with God and from God.  That produces the great blessing of contentment.  The Lord knows exactly what we need and promises to supply it.  To leave our lives and families in God’s control is a source of great mental stability obviating the need to worry.  Ponder your blessings today.  You will be surprised what the Lord hath done.


Said the robin to the sparrow, “I should really like to know why these anxious human beings rush about and worry so.”

Said the sparrow to the robin, “Friend, I think that it must be, they have no heavenly Father such as cares for you and me!”  [Author unknown]


In these days of pandemic, with many restaurants closed, not so many people are eating out.  But when people do go out should they publicly give thanks for their food?  Some Christians just don’t bother.  Others argue that it is not necessary.  The Bible, however, gives warrant for the practice; besides it is a good testimony for Christianity.  Other false religions are not afraid to identify themselves by their dress etc.  The Christian should not be afraid to identity himself by humbly bowing his head to give thanks to God for His food.

The Bible speaks about food [1 Timothy 4:3-5], that “God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.  For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.”  The Lord has been so good to us, let us therefore be thankful.  Indeed, we are told that

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”


In the resurrection morning this will surprise us most: that we didn’t love Christ more. [J.C. Ryle]