Church Bulletin – April 1, 2018


“And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross.” Matthew 27:32 Let us now gaze for a while upon Christ carrying his cross. He comes forth from Pilate's hall with the cumbrous wood upon his shoulder, but through weariness he travels slowly. [...]

Church Bulletin – April 1, 20182018-04-01T15:49:26-04:00

Church Bulletin – March 25, 2018


"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." Matthew 5:5 The meek are happy. They are those who quietly submit themselves to God, to his word, and to his rod. They follow his directions and comply with his designs, and are gentle toward all men (Tit. 3:2). The meek can bear provocation without being inflamed [...]

Church Bulletin – March 25, 20182018-03-24T13:11:57-04:00

Church Bulletin – March 18, 2018


“A fountain of gardens, a well of living waters, and streams from Lebanon.” Song of Solomon 4:15 There are eight verses in the Bible with the phrase “living water,” four in the Old Testament, four in the New. All beautifully describe a spiritual truth under the figure of a flowing stream of refreshing water. [...]

Church Bulletin – March 18, 20182018-03-17T10:42:11-04:00

Church Bulletin – February 18, 2018


“…which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.” Philippians 3:3 Consider the excellencies of the knowledge of Christ. The comfort of believers are streams from this fountain. Jesus Christ is the object of a believer’s joy. Take away the knowledge of Christ, and Christians [...]

Church Bulletin – February 18, 20182018-02-15T21:37:57-05:00

Church Bulletin – February 11, 2018


" …and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16  As an encouragement cheerfully to offer intercessory prayer, remember that such prayer is the sweetest God ever hears, for the prayer of Christ is of this character. In all the incense [...]

Church Bulletin – February 11, 20182018-02-10T08:40:10-05:00

Church Bulletin – February 4, 2018


"Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?" Isaiah 29:16. Will you let your Saviour frame your life and make [...]

Church Bulletin – February 4, 20182018-02-03T11:41:21-05:00

Church Bulletin – January 28, 2018


“But Martha was cumbered about much serving,…” Luke 10:40 Her fault was not that she served: the condition of a servant well becomes every Christian. "I serve," should be the motto of all the princes of the royal family of heaven. Nor was it her fault that she had "much serving." We cannot do [...]

Church Bulletin – January 28, 20182018-01-27T10:14:23-05:00

Church Bulletin – January 21, 2018


“…Beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me." Matthew 14:30  Sinking times are praying times with the Lord's servants. Peter neglected prayer at starting upon his venturous journey, but when he began to sink his danger made him a suppliant, and his cry though late was not too late. In our hours of bodily [...]

Church Bulletin – January 21, 20182018-01-20T11:09:42-05:00

Church Bulletin – January 14, 2018


“And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give you into our hands.” 1 Samuel 17:47 These were the ringing words of faith uttered by young David as he faced the Philistine giant, Goliath. Without armor, or spear, or [...]

Church Bulletin – January 14, 20182018-01-13T16:28:14-05:00
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