Bits and Pieces – 9th Edition – May 3, 2020


CORONAVIRUS SITUATION.  Now after seven weeks of self-isolation and lockdown there are some small positive signs that the peak has been reached.  But just as it was dangerous on the way up, that danger remains on the way down.  So any return to some sort of normality will take time and care.  [...]

Bits and Pieces – 9th Edition – May 3, 20202020-05-03T00:08:16-04:00

Church Bulletin – May 3, 2020


“Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law”. Psalm 119:18 The word “law” (Hebrew torah), as used in the psalms, actually refers to all the revealed Scriptures. We may well understand it today to mean the entire Bible. And we can indeed behold wondrous things in the Word [...]

Church Bulletin – May 3, 20202020-05-02T11:50:19-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 8th Edition – April 26, 2020


SERMONAUDIO.COM SERVICES.  Amazingly, it is now seven weeks since we started self-isolating, and today is the fifth Sunday when we have had no public church services.  But not to worry, for the duration of the Covid19 lockdown, the Toronto adult Bible classes (10.00am) and services (11.00am & 6.30pm) will continue to be [...]

Bits and Pieces – 8th Edition – April 26, 20202020-04-26T08:18:29-04:00

Church Bulletin – April 26, 2020


“And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of”. Genesis 22:2  Character determines how a man interprets God’s will (Psalm 18:25-26). Abraham interpreted [...]

Church Bulletin – April 26, 20202020-04-25T21:54:03-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 7th Edition – April 19, 2020


STILL SHUT DOWN. As the Covid-19 crisis continues, public church services are off-limits.  However, the Toronto church services can be heard live each Lord’s Day at 11.00am and 6.30pm on The Wednesday night prayer meetings (7.30pm) continue using  Contact the if you would like to join. HUMOUR IN ADVERSITY.  For [...]

Bits and Pieces – 7th Edition – April 19, 20202020-04-18T17:32:47-04:00

Church Bulletin – April 19, 2020


“… I trust in thy word”. Psalm 119:42 Just in proportion in which we believe that God will do just what He has said, is our faith strong or weak. Faith has nothing to do with feelings, or with impressions, with improbabilities, or with outward appearances. If we desire to couple them with faith, [...]

Church Bulletin – April 19, 20202020-04-18T18:08:15-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 6th Edition – April 12, 2020


THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST.  Two noted English sceptics of the 18th. century, brilliant lawyers in their own right, Gilbert West and Lord Lyttleton, decided that Christianity could be destroyed by removing two prominent pillars of the faith, namely, the resurrection of Christ, and the conversion of Paul on the road to Damascus. [...]

Bits and Pieces – 6th Edition – April 12, 20202020-04-12T02:16:50-04:00

Church Bulletin – April 12, 2020


“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.” (Colossians 3:1) The wise believer revels in the fact of Christ’s resurrection. Some things in Scripture may be easier to identify with and apply, including Christ’s substitutionary death, but it is the [...]

Church Bulletin – April 12, 20202020-04-11T13:27:01-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 5th Edition – April 5, 2020


STILL CLOSED.  Due to the continuing coronavirus crisis, there will be no public meetings in Toronto F.P.C. for a third Sunday.  There will, however, be webcast services at 11:00am and 6:30pm on, with Pastor Saunders preaching. SKYPE PRAYER MEETINGS for the North American F.P.C. pastors and student ministers are to [...]

Bits and Pieces – 5th Edition – April 5, 20202020-04-04T16:35:33-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 4th Edition – March 29, 2020


CANCELLATIONS. Due to the continuing coronavirus crisis, and Ontario government emergency regulations, there will be no Toronto Church services on Sunday 29th March.  Webcasts will however be carried on at 11:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. The earliest date for the resumption of the Whitefield Christian Schools is April 6, but that probably will [...]

Bits and Pieces – 4th Edition – March 29, 20202020-03-28T16:04:30-04:00
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