TFPC Weekly Bulletin – August 15, 2021


The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 Paul offers here a timeless and universal remedy for anxiety as he counsels his readers not to be overly anxious about human problems. Instead of giving way to such corroding care, the Philippians are exhorted to [...]

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – August 15, 20212021-08-14T12:54:18-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 75th Edition – August 8, 2021


The apostle Paul was an extremely well-educated man, and no one can read his epistles without being impressed by his giant intellect.  Yet Paul renounced the preaching that uses “wisdom of words”  [1 Corinthians 1:17] for a plainness of speech that left none of his listeners in any doubt about the thrust of his [...]

Bits and Pieces – 75th Edition – August 8, 20212021-08-07T22:58:35-04:00

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – August 8, 2021


I will make all my mountains a way. Isaiah 49:11 God will make obstacles serve His purpose. We all have mountains in our lives. There are people and things that threaten to bar our progress in the Divine life. Those heavy claims, that uncongenial occupation, that thorn in the flesh, that daily cross—we think [...]

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – August 8, 20212021-08-07T12:45:04-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 74th Edition – August 1, 2021


“Awake to righteousness, and sin not.” A most amazing and amusing human practice is sleep.  Amazingly, one who has reached the Biblical seventy years has already spent about twenty-three in bed!  It is amusing as we all, overcome by an uncontrollable urge, climb into bed, put the lights out, and wait – until the [...]

Bits and Pieces – 74th Edition – August 1, 20212021-07-31T19:23:15-04:00

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – August 1, 2021


"There hath been no latter rain." Jeremiah 3:3 Spiritual drought makes a wasteland where once there was a Canaan. It reduces a land flowing with milk and honey to poverty and want. It produces spiritual famine, powerlessness, and despondency. No generation knows this better than ours. We are living through a prolonged and terrible drought. [...]

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – August 1, 20212021-07-30T23:53:21-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 73rd Edition – July 25, 2021


     The keeping of the Sabbath comes as a Christian obligation by divine example and command.  God rested after creation, and in the fourth commandment He instructed us to keep the Sabbath. Its importance can be seen in its priority.  It was first mentioned in Genesis and in the wilderness before the law was [...]

Bits and Pieces – 73rd Edition – July 25, 20212021-07-25T00:14:13-04:00

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – July 25, 2021


"Seeing then that we have a great high Priest...Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. Let us come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:14,16 Our great Helper in prayer is the Lord Jesus Christ, our [...]

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – July 25, 20212021-07-24T23:33:06-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 72nd Edition – July 18, 2021


Some time ago I watched a spider at work.  On a bush near our picnic table he had stretched out his web; a four-inch diameter skein of gossamer-like threads, almost invisible to the human eye; and interlaced in such a fashion that not even the tiniest insect could ever hope to pass, but surely be [...]

Bits and Pieces – 72nd Edition – July 18, 20212021-07-17T21:08:32-04:00

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – July 18, 2021


"The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits."  Daniel 11:32 The LORD is a man of war, "Jehovah is his name." Those who enlist under His banner shall have a Commander who will train them for the conflict and give them both vigour and valour. The times of which Daniel [...]

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – July 18, 20212021-07-17T18:38:22-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 71st Edition – July 11, 2021


     “Books are the legacies that the generation leave to mankind, to be delivered down from generation to generation as gifts to the living, and those yet unborn” [John Addison].  We as Christians have access to the greatest deposit of sound, scriptural, and spiritual books in the history of the church.  What an inestimable [...]

Bits and Pieces – 71st Edition – July 11, 20212021-07-10T17:58:28-04:00

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – July 11, 2021


"I called upon him, but he gave me no answer"  Song of Solomon 5:6 The Lord, when He hath given great faith, hath been known to try it by long delayings. He has suffered His servants’ voices to echo in their ears as from a brazen sky. They have knocked at the golden gate, [...]

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – July 11, 20212021-07-10T10:11:21-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 70th Edition – July 4, 2021


The first Free Presbyterian service in Canada was held forty-five years ago, on July 4, 1976.  The people met in an old rented church building on Cosburn Avenue in East York. (See photo on the historical chart in the church hall). That first meeting was held amid great opposition.  The ecumenical church leaders leaned [...]

Bits and Pieces – 70th Edition – July 4, 20212021-07-03T21:32:53-04:00
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