Bits and Pieces – 81st Edition – September 26, 2021


“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” Proverbs 17:22 A Christian lady was always so bright and cheerful that everyone wondered at her joyous spirit. “But sister,” said a friend, you must have some clouds in your life.”  “Clouds?” she replied, “Why, of course.  If there were no clouds, where would the showers of [...]

Bits and Pieces – 81st Edition – September 26, 20212021-09-25T21:38:04-04:00

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – September 26, 2021


"And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord: and the Lord heard it." Numbers 11:1 The book of Numbers is replete with references to the complaints of the nation of Israel. On most of the occasions when this discontent arose, it was vented against the leaders of the people. Yet the solemn fact is [...]

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – September 26, 20212021-09-25T16:55:48-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 80th Edition – September 19, 2021


The four destructive creatures mentioned [Joel 1:4] are actually different stages of the one and carry a prophetic message. The Palmerworm is the locust that just emerged from the egg in spring.  It is known as the Gnawing locust.  The Locust is the same creature in late spring; in its first skin.  It is [...]

Bits and Pieces – 80th Edition – September 19, 20212021-09-18T21:51:09-04:00

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – September 19, 2021


"The eternal God is thy refuge." Deuteronomy 33:27 'The eternal God!' How can we poor creatures of time ascend to His glorious majesty? We cannot. But the eternal God has come down to us in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is God 'manifest in the flesh' (I Tim. 3:16). We rest [...]

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – September 19, 20212021-09-18T21:51:31-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 79th Edition – September 12, 2021


“Before Abraham was, I am”  [John 8:58].      “Was” and “Am” are two parts of the verb “to be.”  However, the Greek text uses two different verbs.  “Before Abraham was made (came to be) I am.”  Abraham was a mere creature and came into being.  The Son of God is eternal and uncreated.  Jesus [...]

Bits and Pieces – 79th Edition – September 12, 20212021-09-11T16:41:06-04:00

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – September 12, 2021


“He hath made everything beautiful in his time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 We believe that whatever the Bible says is true. Yet sometimes experiences cause us to question whether certain things are personally relevant. The tension between doctrine and experience is a common test of faith. Solomon's conclusion that God has made every time beautiful and [...]

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – September 12, 20212021-09-10T00:10:46-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 78th Edition – September 5, 2021


     This short verse [Genesis 1:16] is one of the most amazing in the Bible, and our minds boggle at the greatness of our God.  It is estimated that there are about 200 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy.  It has also been estimated that there are about 100 billion other galaxies. If [...]

Bits and Pieces – 78th Edition – September 5, 20212021-09-04T21:45:55-04:00

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – September 5, 2021


“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” Hebrews 12:2 Christ, Himself is to be the single object of our attention in the spiritual race we pursue. The word looking comes from a verb that means 'to look away from.' It denotes the idea of viewing with undivided, fixed, earnest attention. This [...]

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – September 5, 20212021-09-05T09:25:17-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 77th Edition – August 29, 2021


Sorry, I had no Bits & Pieces for you last week but I had a painful and unpleasant medical condition that put me out of action for some days.  Fortunately, things seem to be on the mend.  I do appreciate your prayers. Tony Puccini was a godly, gracious man who was liked by [...]

Bits and Pieces – 77th Edition – August 29, 20212021-08-28T16:11:45-04:00

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – August 29, 2021


"Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish's belly." Jonah 2:1 The Lord Jesus Christ told His disciples that when they prayed, they should go to their room, shut the door, and pray to their Father in secret. Jonah could not quite manage that; he was in a fish's belly! But [...]

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – August 29, 20212021-08-28T15:31:57-04:00

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – August 22, 2021


"I am for you." Ezekiel 36:9 Ezekiel 35:3 contains the very worst words the enemies of God can hear: Behold, . . . I am against thee. Chapter 36 has the very best words for the feeble saint: Behold, I am for you. These words are a reminder that God's purposes will be opposed. [...]

TFPC Weekly Bulletin – August 22, 20212021-08-21T19:22:20-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 76th Edition – August 15, 2021


“So run, that ye may obtain” 1 Corinthians.9:24. Many have spent the last two weeks glued to their TV sets watching the Olympic games in Japan.  The apostle Paul was familiar with the games of his day.  But he was not just a passive observer.  He used what he saw to present some practical [...]

Bits and Pieces – 76th Edition – August 15, 20212021-08-14T11:58:28-04:00
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