Bits and Pieces – 105th Edition – March 13, 2022


The conversion of Saul of Tarsus on the Damascus Road is about as dramatic a change in a man’s life, as you will ever see.  Saul the persecutor of Christians becomes Paul the preacher of Christ.  The one going to Damascus on a mission of destruction is smitten by the power of God and [...]

Bits and Pieces – 105th Edition – March 13, 20222022-03-12T17:03:33-05:00

Bits and Pieces – 104th Edition – March 6, 2022


The rich young ruler came to Jesus with a sincere request; “Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” [Mark 10:17ff.].  Jesus answered him and said, “One thing thou lackest.” He had several other things, but one thing was missing. He had lots of money, but wealth cannot purchase salvation.  [...]

Bits and Pieces – 104th Edition – March 6, 20222022-03-05T22:38:04-05:00

Weekly Bulletin – March 6, 2022


Devotional  "In thee the fatherless findeth mercy." Hosea 14:3 This is an excellent reason for casting away all other confidences and relying upon the Lord alone. When a child is left without its natural protector, our God steps in and becomes his guardian: so also when a man has lost every object of [...]

Weekly Bulletin – March 6, 20222022-03-03T23:48:05-05:00

Bits and Pieces – 103rd Edition – February 27, 2022


The Christian need never expect the world to applaud his efforts, even when engaged in so lofty an occupation as preaching the Gospel of Christ.  Paul has time on his hands while in Athens waiting for Silas and Timothy to join him. [Acts 17]. As he looks upon that ancient city with its grand [...]

Bits and Pieces – 103rd Edition – February 27, 20222022-02-26T22:57:11-05:00

Weekly Bulletin – February 27, 2022


Devotional "I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely." Revelation 21:6.  The grace that is in Christ Jesus must, from its very nature, be unpurchasable. It implies absolute poverty in the creature and infinite affluence in God. Could it, by any possibility, be purchased, [...]

Weekly Bulletin – February 27, 20222022-02-26T18:43:45-05:00

Bits and Pieces – 102nd Edition – February 20, 2022


     In God’s work, each Christian is but a foot soldier.  God is the great Commander, working all things according to His own will.  It is necessary that we wait on Him for our marching orders and instructions.  He will direct us at the right time, to the right place, with the right word. [...]

Bits and Pieces – 102nd Edition – February 20, 20222022-02-19T18:48:06-05:00

Weekly Bulletin – February 20, 2022


Devotional "God, that comforteth those that are cast down." — 2 Corinthians 7:6 And who comforteth like Him? Go to some poor, melancholy, distressed child of God; tell him sweet promises, and whisper in his ear choice words of comfort; he is like the deaf adder, he listens not to the voice of the [...]

Weekly Bulletin – February 20, 20222022-02-19T17:35:42-05:00

Bits and Pieces – 101st Edition – February 13, 2022


We can echo the words of Deuteronomy 1:25 when referring to Canada, “It is a good land which the Lord our God doth give us.”  The problem is that politically the country is in the control of ungodly men.  The Bible teaches that “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when [...]

Bits and Pieces – 101st Edition – February 13, 20222022-02-12T22:48:44-05:00

Weekly Bulletin – February 13, 2022


Today's Devotional Does Christ thus sympathize with us? Does the Lord know our weak frames and remember that we are dust? Then let us go forth in perfect sympathy with Christ in everything, that relates to His truth, His kingdom, His people…Embraced by such a love, and interested in such a sympathy, let [...]

Weekly Bulletin – February 13, 20222022-02-12T10:07:20-05:00

Bits and Pieces – 100th Edition – February 6, 2022


When I started ‘Bits & Pieces’ almost two years ago, I had no idea it would run so long, but here we are at #100.  I am happy that many people seem to enjoy the weekly collection of news and views. The first issue (8 March 2020) reported on the new epidemic Covid 19 [...]

Bits and Pieces – 100th Edition – February 6, 20222022-02-05T11:33:26-05:00
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