“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself…”
New and enlarged views of the Holy Spirit mark a regenerate mind. Having received the Holy Spirit as a quickener, he feels the need of Him now as a teacher, a sanctifier, a comforter, and a sealer. As a teacher, discovering to him more of the hidden evil of the heart, more knowledge of God, of His Word, and of His Son. As a sanctifier, carrying forward the work of grace in the soul, impressing more deeply on the heart the Divine image, and bringing every thought and feeling and word into sweet, holy, and filial obedience to the law of Jesus. As a comforter, leading him, in the hour of his deep trial, to Christ; comforting, by unfolding the sympathy and tenderness of Jesus, and the exceeding preciousness and peculiar fitness of the many promises with which the word of truth abounds for the consolation of the Lord’s afflicted. As a sealer, impressing upon his heart the sense of pardon, acceptance, and adoption; and entering himself as the “earnest of the inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession.” Oh! what exalted views does he now have of the blessed and eternal Spirit- of His personal glory, His work, His offices, His influences, His love, tenderness, and faithfulness! The ear is open to the softest whisper of His voice; the heart expands to the gentlest impression of His sealing, sanctifying influence. Remembering that He is “a temple of the Holy Spirit,” he desires so to walk- lowly, softly, watchfully, and prayerfully. Avoiding everything that would “grieve the Spirit,” resigning every known sin that would dishonour and cause Him to withdraw, the one single aim of his life is to walk so as to please God, that “God in all things may be glorified.” – Octavius Winslow
The Lord's Day Services
Sunday, February 9, 2020
10:00 a.m. Sunday school
11:00 a.m. Morning Service – Dr. Larry Saunders
6:00 p.m. Preservice Prayer Time
6:30 p.m. Evening Service – Dr. Larry Saunders
Weekly Announcements
Monday, February 10th
7:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. Gym Fellowship
Wednesday, February 12th
7:25 p.m. Bible study & Prayer time
Thursday, February 13th
6:00 p.m. Session Meeting
7:30 p.m. Session & Board Meeting
Friday, February 14th
7:00 p.m. NO Good News Bible Club this week.
Advance Announcements
Sunday, February 16th
10:00 a.m. Sunday school classes for all ages.
11:00 a.m. Morning Service – Dr. Larry Saunders
6:00 p.m. Preservice Prayer Time
6:30 p.m. Evening Service – Dr. Larry Saunders
Tuesday, February 18th
7:15 p.m. Women’s Bible Study – 2 Peter 1:6 “Adding Godliness”
Wednesday, February 19th
7:25 p.m. Bible study & Prayer meeting
Friday, February 21st
7:00 p.m. Good News Bible Club today.
If you have any unlocked smart phones that you are no longer using please donate them for use in Jamaica. Be sure to erase all your data. Thank you!
Cloverdale FPC
Cloverdale, BC
Rev. Ian Goligher
The New Year commenced in the Cloverdale church with a visit from Rev. Andrew Simpson, who preached on the first Sunday of 2020.
The congregation met for prayer for three evenings to seek the Lord’s blessing upon the ministry of the church and its radio ministry. Prayer focused on a new radio program on Taiwan Radio International, which reaches into Southern China and Hong Kong. Programs are to be aired on Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m. Prayer also focused on an election of deacons to serve in the church. Prayer was offered for spiritual growth in God’s people, the youth, and the children of the church. This emphasis followed studies in Ephesians chapters one and three on Paul’s prayers for the believers at Ephesus.
Please pray for Mrs. Jean Jones, who is in decline after enduring Parkinson’s disease for many years. During these difficult times she has borne a bright Christian testimony for her Lord.