“He that loveth his brother abideth in the light…” 1 John 2:10
As Christians look at their fellow men and women, they see people exactly like themselves before their eyes were opened, and now they are sorry for them. They begin to love hateful persons instead of hating them. They say, “We are all in the same position,” and they begin to have an eye of compassion for them. Their knowledge of the love of God in Christ makes them love other people even as they have been loved themselves. They are new men and women with a new outlook; they are in a new realm. They feel the love of God in their heart, and they want to love Him and glorify Him, and they know they can glorify God most of all by being new men and women, by living as Christ lived and thereby showing and proving that they are indeed true disciples.
Christ our Lord put this perfectly once in the parable of the man who was a servant and was in trouble. He went to his lord and pleaded for forgiveness, and that lord forgave him. But there was another man who was a servant under the first servant who came to him and made exactly the same plea, but the forgiven servant took the other by the throat and said, “No, I won’t let you off—you have to pay to the last farthing.” Well, said our Lord (Matthew 18:23-35), which man must not think he has been forgiven, for the man who does not forgive will not be forgiven.
What this means is that you and I can only be happy about the fact that we are Christians if we find this loving, forgiving spirit within ourselves. It is idle for us to say that we know God has forgiven us if we ourselves are not loving and forgiving. People who say they are in the light but who hate and do not forgive their brother are in darkness even now. – Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The Lord’s Day Services
October 9th |
10:00a.m. | Sunday School for all ages. |
11:00a.m. | Morning Service – Dr. Larry Saunders | |
4:00p.m. | Distribution of invitations to Sunday school and Good News Bible Club | |
6:00p.m. | Pre-Service Prayer Meeting | |
6:30p.m. | Evening Service – Dr. Larry Saunders |
Weekly Announcements
October 12th |
7:25p.m. | Bible Study & Prayer Meeting |
October 13th |
6:00p.m. | Session Meeting |
7:30p.m. | Session and Board Meeting | |
October 14th |
9:00a.m. | Women’s Morning Bible Study |
7:00p.m. | Good News Bible Club |
Advance Announcements
October 16th |
10:00a.m. | Sunday School Classes for all ages. |
11:00a.m. | Morning Service – Dr. Larry Saunders | |
6:00p.m. | Pre-service Prayer Meeting | |
6:30p.m. | Evening Service – WCS Dedication Service | |
October 19th |
7:25p.m. | Bible Study and Prayer Meeting |
October 20th |
7:30p.m. | Youth Fellowship |
October 21st |
7:00p.m. | Good News Bible Club |
Please Pray For:
Andrew Murray

“Let us thank God heartily as often as we pray that we have His Spirit in us to teach us to pray. Thanksgiving will draw our hearts out to God and keep us engaged with Him; it will take our attention from ourselves and give the Spirit room in our hearts.”
Thanksgiving Food Donation – Sunday Oct 9th

Each year, we encourage all in our congregation to share of the bounty the Lord has blessed us with. We ask that you would bring some non-perishable food items that we can donate to those who are in need in our community. There will be a large bin in the foyer of the church to drop your food items in.
Deepest Sympathy

We would like to extend our sincere condolences to Kingsley Jew and family on the passing of his father, Eric Jew, on Monday, October 3rd. We pray that the whole family will know the peace and comfort of the Lord at this very sad time.
American Council of Christian Churches 75th Annual Convention

American Council of Christian Churches 75th Annual Convention – Kittery, Maine
October 18th – 20th
Changing World – Unchanging Word
Please pray for Dr. Saunders as he travels and speaks at the ACCC meetings in Maine.
Port Hope FPC 23rd Anniversary Meetings October 16th – 21st

Theme: Contending for the Faith
Speaker: Rev. John Greer – Ballymena FPC
Sunday, October 16th at 11am & 6 pm
Monday, October 18th – Friday, October 21st at 7:30 pm
Everyone is welcome to attend.