
The Truth of God

“For the truth’s sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever”. 2 John 1:2

Once let the truth of God obtain an entrance into the human heart and subdue the whole man unto itself—no human or infernal power can dislodge it! We do not entertain it as a guest but as the master of the house. He is no Christian, who does not thus believe. Those who feel the vital power of the gospel and know the might of the Holy Spirit as He opens, applies, and seals the Word, would sooner be torn to pieces—than forsake the gospel of their salvation.

What thousands of mercies are enrapt up in the assurance that the truth will be with us forever; will be our living support, our dying comfort, our rising song, our eternal glory! This is Christian privilege; without it our faith would be of little worth. Some truths we outgrow and leave behind, for they are but rudiments and lessons for beginners. But we cannot thus deal with Divine truth, for though it is sweet food for babes, it is in the highest sense strong meat for men.

The truth that we are sinners is painfully with us to humble and make us watchful. The more blessed truth that whoever believes on the Lord Jesus shall be saved—abides with us as our hope and joy. Experience, so far from loosening our hold of the doctrines of grace, has knit us to them more and more firmly. Our grounds and motives for believing are now stronger, more numerous than ever, and we have reason to expect that it will be so until in death we clasp the Saviour in our arms!

Wherever this abiding love of truth can be discovered—we are bound to exercise our love. No narrow circle can contain our gracious sympathies. As wide as the election of grace—must be our communion of heart. Much of error may be mingled with truth received, let us war with the error—but still love the brother for the measure of truth which we see in him. Above all let us love and spread the truth ourselves! – C.H. Spurgeon

Women's Bible Study

PCC 40th Anniversary

The Pregnancy Care Centre is celebrating its 40th anniversary with a fundraising concertClick here for more details.

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Advanced Announcements


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