The Power to Say No
The fruit of the Spirit is… temperance. Galatians 5:23
Temperance here means self-control – and not just with regard to alcohol. Generally, it means having command of ourselves, the ability to restrain ourselves, our feelings, and our desires.
But for Christians, it has an added dimension. For us, self-control is the fruit of the Spirit. It is a spiritual grace, not a natural acquirement. Considered as a spiritual grace, it is the exercise of faith in the gospel by which we obtain the power of the Holy Spirit to enable us to overcome the impediments of the flesh to our sanctification and service.
Self-indulgence is the great enemy of the work of the Spirit in and through us. It is the sin of giving way to the lusts of the flesh, and because it feels “natural” it is a sin we can most readily justify or excuse. Self-control – or rather the control of self by the power of the Spirit of God – is total abstinence from all things that the Scriptures forbid, no matter how the flesh craves them, and the avoidance of excess in satisfying the natural desires they permit. It therefore calls for us to live with our eyes on Christ and His cross, to crucify the flesh and its lusts, and to live in submission to what the Spirit says in His word.
Out-of-control Christians are a contradiction in terms and a serious stumbling block for unbelievers. Yet self-control is not easy, for we constantly face fierce temptation to indulge the flesh. We are surrounded by people who do so without the slightest hesitation, and we are often mocked as prudes or fools for refusing to follow their lead. This is a day for bold, selfless, Christian living in the light of what we believe about Christ, being ruled by what God says, regardless of the opinions of men or the urges of the flesh.
Daily devotions are from the book “A Word in Season” published by Let the Bible Speak. © Let the Bible Speak 2010 – All Rights Reserved.
This Week
Advanced Announcements
Family Skate and Lunch
Everyone is invited to a family skate on Saturday, February 22, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You are welcome to invite extended family and friends. We have rented the ice at the Canlan Sports Arena at 159 Dynamic Dr, Scarborough, ON M1V 5L8. Helmets are recommended for everyone but are only mandatory for youth 16 years old and younger. A pizza lunch will be provided at the church following the skating. The skating cost is $20 per person. ($10 for 12 years old and younger.) Please see Jonathan McAnally for payment.
Please Pray for
Praying for friends in need