A random collection of news and views compiled by Frank McClelland for the Toronto Free Presbyterian Church.
228th Edition – February 2, 2025
In last week’s issue we started to outline the ‘Stand of the Free Presbyterian Church.’
This was in response to the question sometimes asked, ‘how is the FPC similar to, or different from, other churches?’
Already, we have seen that the Free Presbyterian Church is FUNDAMENTAL IN DOCTRINE and EVANGELICAL IN OUTRREACH. Today we complete these six statements. It should be pointed out that these are not legal statements, like the Westminster Confession of Faith, or the Book of Church Order, but are a summary of the position of the church to help people know who we are, and what we stand for.
The Free Presbyterian Church believes that a person genuinely “born again’ is transformed by God’s grace. His outward walk will be one of holiness as daily he dies unto sin and lives unto righteousness.
A person who professes to be a Christian and yet continues to live in a sinful, unclean or worldly manner is a contradiction. Free Presbyterians are exhorted to abstain from the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other worldly vices.
It is ruled by presbyters or elders, and deacons as was the New Testament Church.
Each officer is chosen from the people, by the people to serve the people in much the same way as the representative government seen in most nations of the free world.
The Free Presbyterian Church stands for a born-again membership and its ministers, elders, and deacons must be men, genuinely born-again of the Spirit of God, and dedicated to the extension of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The elders and deacons rule by consensus, not by confrontation, each seeking the mind and will of the Church’s only Head, Jesus Christ.
The Free Presbyterian Church of Canada rejoices in its glorious heritage. It gladly takes its stand alongside the great Christian leaders of the Protestant Reformation.
Throughout its history the Free Presbyterian Church has opposed the ecumenical movement’s efforts to promote union with Roman Catholicism, because that organization still holds every false dogma that caused the Protestant Reformation in the first place.
It believes and practices the doctrine of Biblical Separation. The Free Presbyterian Church has NO association or involvement with the modern Ecumenical or Charismatic movements which it regards as betrayals of the historic Christian faith.
The Free Presbyterian Church will not fellowship with churches which support the World Council of Churches and its program of financial aid for terrorist groups, or with churches which have departed from the fundamental doctrines of the Word of God.
A 35-page booklet, “Separated unto the Gospel” is available for those contemplating membership. It gives the Statement of Faith
and more details of the stand of the Church.
One of Canada’s best-known fruits is the McIntosh apple. Its beautiful red colour, firm texture and sweet taste makes it one of the world’s best loved apples.
John McIntosh moved to Canada some years after the U.S. War of Independence in 1776. While clearing land for his farm he found several apple shoots, which he carefully transplanted near his cabin. Only one survived.
It grew and brought forth lovely red apples. His son Allan learned how to graft slips from it and multiply its growth. Today, about half of Canada’s multi-million-bushel apple crop are Macs – all from one tiny slip!
Jesus Christ is likened to an apple tree in Scripture [Song 3:3]. From the death of one Man on the cross, an insignificant event in the eyes of the world, millions of people are now in heaven, and many millions more are waiting for the call to “come up hither” [Revelation 4:1].
Will you be in that number?