A random collection of news and views compiled by Frank McClelland for the Toronto Free Presbyterian Church.
227th Edition – January 26, 2025
The Church’s annual week of prayer starts tomorrow night at 7.30pm and runs through Friday. It is a good way to start the New Year, seeking the Lord’s blessing and guidance for the next twelve months.
Each night there will be an appropriate devotional message followed by the prayer time. It is to be hoped that as many as possible will meet with their brothers and sisters in the church. For those whose attendance in the church is not possible, they can join the prayer times on Zoom.
A baptismal service is planned for the Wednesday night. If you are a Christian and not yet baptized you can obey the Lord’s command and join the others who are to be immersed. If interested, please speak to the Pastor or one of the Elders.
The best-known street in Toronto is Yonge Street, named after a friend of Lord Simcoe. It starts at the edge of Lake Ontario and runs basically north to the town of Rainy River some twelve hundred miles from its starting point. It was started in 1796 by Lord Simcoe as a military road north.
There is a much longer and more important road, and that is the one traversed by Jesus Christ, the road from Earth to Heaven, completed two thousand years ago.
There are but two destinations at the end of life’s journey, either Heaven or Hell. Most people seem to want the former, but do they know the way?
If I decided to drive to Rainy River in Ontario, and had never been there, or knew the way, I may never get there. I could crisscross North America for a lifetime and never stumble on the place. The wise traveller uses a map, but it must be the right one. A map of South America would be useless in finding Rainy River in Ontario!
The world has a multiplicity of maps to some sort of ‘nirvana,’ but their religions and philosophies cannot help, for they have never been there. But there is One who can give us clear directions. Jesus Christ lived eternally in Heaven with His Father. He came down to this Earth, died, rose again and ascended.
He knows the way to Heaven because He is there! He said, “I am the way … no man cometh unto the Father but by me,” [John 14:6]. Dear reader, if you want to get to Heaven ask Jesus into your heart to save you and guide you. Without Him you will never find Heaven or get there.
Forty-nine years ago the Free Presbyterian Church in Toronto was “the new kid on the block.” There are many churches in Canada and sometimes we are asked how the Free Presbyterian Church is similar to, or different from, other churches? What are its aims, priorities and distinctives? Perhaps these questions can be answered briefly by outlining the stand of the Free Presbyterian Church that was issued in 1976. It should be helpful to those who have recently joined us.
The Church believes in God, existing eternally in the three Persons of the Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit. It accepts the divine authority and verbal inspiration of the Word of God, and the great fundamental doctrines of the faith flowing from His Word.
The Bible alone is the supreme authority in all matters of faith, morals, and Christian practice. The Free Presbyterian Church uses only the Authorized (or King James) version of the Scriptures.
In obedience to the great commission of Christ, “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature” [Mark 16:15] a virile program of missionary endeavour, and Gospel preaching is actively pursued. The great objective is to lead men, women and children of every class, colour and creed to an experimental knowledge of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. [To be continued].
Cell phones bring you close to those afar off, but they also take you away from the one sitting next to you.