A random collection of news and views compiled by Frank McClelland for the Toronto Free Presbyterian Church.
213th Edition – October 20, 2024
Centuries before Christ was born His birth and career, His sufferings and glory, were all described in outline and detail in the Old Testament.
Christ is the only person ever born into this world whose ancestry, birth-time, birth manner, forerunner, birthplace, infancy, manhood, teaching, character, career, preaching, reception, rejection, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, were all written in the most marvellous manner centuries before He was born. Who could draw a picture of a man not yet born? Surely God, and God alone.
Here in the Bible we have the most striking and unmistakeable likeness of a Man portrayed, not by one, but by twenty to twenty-five artists, none of whom had ever seen the Man they were painting.
Beginning with faint touches in the books of Moses, Christ’s whole career is described, the pictures becoming more and more precise as the time of fulfilment draws near. [Canon Dyson Hague].
Here is a list of a few of those remarkable Bible prophecies. Don’t be content to merely read them but sit down with your Bible and read each reference given. The study will bless your soul and strengthen your faith.
Seed of a women. Gen. 3:15. 4,004BC
Seed of Abraham. Gen. 22:18 1,898BC
Born of a virgin. Isa. 7:14 742BC
Born in Bethlehem. Micah 5:2 710BC
Preceded by John. Isa. 40:3 713BC
Ministry began in Galilee. Isa. 9:2 742BC
Rejected by brethren. Psalm 69:8 1,000BC
Betrayed by a friend. Psalm 41:9 1,000BC
Forsaken by disciples. Zech. 13:7 487BC
Smitten and spit upon. Isa. 50:6 712BC
Dumb before accusers. Isa. 53:7 712BC
Hands and feet pierced. Psa. 22:16 1,000BC
Crucified with thieves. Isa. 53:12 712BC
Gall and vinegar given. Psa. 69:21. 1,000BC
Bones not broken. Psalm 34:20. 1,000BC
Buried in rich man’s tomb. Isa.53;9 712BC
His resurrection. Psalm 16:10 1,000BC
His ascension. Psalm 68:18. 1,000BC
Conversion of Gentiles. Isa.11:10 713BC
And there are literally hundreds more. Please note that all dates are approximate.
A rocket was sent up last week to explore one of the planet Jupiter’s moons, Europa. The Europa Clipper has started on a journey of 1.8 billion miles that will take about five and a half years to complete.
The purpose? To find evidence of life. What a waste of time and resources. Man is baffled about life. He knows the ingredients, but he cannot make life. Only God can.
If man was honest with himself the real reason for space exploration of this nature is to try to disprove the existence of God. Their time would be better spent studying the life of the great Creator. Man’s greatest need is not to explore the far-flung regions of space but rather the existence of the God who made and sustains the universe. He would then learn that, as a sinner, he needs God’s salvation which comes only through Jesus Christ His Son.
You would think, after the horrors of October 7 last year when over 1200 Jews were murdered by the Hamas terrorists, that Jews in other parts of the world would think twice about going to live in Israel.
Such is not the case as increasing numbers of Jews from different parts of the world are ‘making Aliyah.’ The word means ‘going up’ and one is immediately reminded of the songs of degrees [Psalms 120-134]. These were Psalms sung by the Israelites when approaching Jerusalem to worship.
Jerusalem rests on high ground some 2400 feet above sea level. Hence any approach to it must be from lower ground. The modern Jew regards settling in Israel as ‘aliyah.’ Some 1800 from the U.S. alone have settled there since the horrors of October 7. They are regarded as ‘olim’ or new immigrants.
They have a great desire, despite the obvious dangers, to settle in the land given by God to His ancient people.