Hezekiah was a good and godly king of Judah, yet once he made a serious mistake.  He opened his palace to the emissaries of the king of Babylon. [2 Kings 20:15].  He showed them all his treasures and, doubtless, was happy to show his God-given prosperity.

     But Isaiah came and told him it was a foolish move and would bring the judgment of God.  What seemed a small thing was a major mistake.  Hezekiah learned that God expects a higher standard of behaviour from His people.

     Isaiah’s question is piercing and applies to us today, “What have they seen in thine house?”  If people from near and far, our neighbours and acquaintances came and looked in, what would they see in our houses?  That which glorifies God, and identifies us as Christians, or that which is dishonouring to our God?

     Would they see evidences of our Christianity, a gospel text, a Bible, or good Christian literature?  Would they see godly parents teaching their children the doctrines and practices of Christianity, and praying for their children’s welfare?  Would they recognize it as a place where Christ is honoured?  Or, would they see, and hear, fighting and argument?  An inconsistent testimony that says one thing, and does another?

     Would they see unruly children, unwholesome books, and beer in the fridge? Would they find rock or rap records, uncontrolled television, lottery tickets, playing cards or satanic games?  Would they see immodest clothes, or ungodly friendships and conversation?

     Today is the time for a clean up of our houses.  Let us not rest until our home shows the evidence of a Joshua, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord[Joshua 24: 15].


     Every Christian worker, earnestly trying to witness for Christ, will sooner or later, meet someone whose Bible knowledge seems to be summed up in the two words, “Judge not.”  Whilst pressing the claims of the Gospel, and pointing out that all men are sinners, and in need of salvation, they will be told in the pious tones of superior knowledge, “Judge not.”

     When faced with such a situation, I always ask for the rest of the verse, and where it is found.  This request is invariably met with blank looks.  The whole verse reads, Judge not, that ye be not judged.  For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again”  [Matthew 7:1, 2].

     When making a judgment the Christian ought to judge by the standard of God’s Word.  He himself will be judged by the same divine standard. We are not to judge others by our human and carnal values.

     The priests of the Lord were instructed to teach the people the difference between right and wrong.  “They shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.  And in controversy they shall stand in judgment; and they shall judge it according to my judgments.” (Emphasis ours).  [Ezekiel 44:23].


     As Christians we are not ashamed to be called Protestants in grateful memory of the great Protestant Reformation.  Some observers see only the word “Protest” and accuse us of protesting against everything.

     The word comes from two Latin words, ‘pro’ and ‘testis,’ which mean “for a witness.”  Hence, the primary meaning is to bear a positive witness of the Gospel of Christ.  The secondary thought is obvious from the English.  A Protestant is also one who will protest against error, and let his voice be heard against the sins of the age.