Bits and Pieces is a random collection of news and views compiled by Dr. Frank McClelland for Toronto F.P.C.
The Government of Ontario has tightened Covid19 restrictions following a spike in cases. Fortunately, churches are not further affected at this time so public services will continue with the usual pandemic restrictions. The Sunday services will be at 11.00 am and 6.30 pm with the pastor speaking. The pre-evening prayer time will be in the church basement at 5.50 pm and concurrently on Zoom. The Wednesday prayer meeting will be at 7.30 pm on Zoom.
“How is the faithful city become a harlot! It was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers.” Isaiah 1:21
Sometime before his death in 1809, Thomas Pains wrote, “In five years from now there will not be a Bible in America. I have gone through the Bible with an axe and cut down all its trees.” He was only one of many who have lifted up their axes to God’s Book. The infidel Voltaire set up a printing press to publish attacks on the Scriptures, but after his death, his presses were used for printing Bibles, and his home became a centre for the Geneva Bible Society. The puny little axe-men and their vaunted blades have disappeared, but the Bible stands unmoved.
“When the Lord Jesus stated that the Scripture cannot, He confirmed the absolute authority of Scripture. The Lord established that no matter how men may choose to argue and reason on any subject, the Word of God is final. What God has decreed and written in the Scriptures cannot be discarded, changed, superseded, or worn out.
“God has magnified His Word above all His name. It is eternally bound up with His own veracity and authority. The gospel message declared by the Word of God is the sure and certain way to heaven, as the Scriptures cannot be broken, neither can the Saviour’s redemption, for He fulfills the Scripture’s every type and precept. “For all the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen” [2 Corinth. 1:20]. The axes of atheists will wear out, but through all the tests of time the Bible will stand victorious.” [Rev. Ian Goligher – Eagles’ Wings]
Many churches, including Toronto F.P.C., have been broadcasting the Gospel using SermonAudio. It has proved to be a real boon during the pandemic. Elder Jonathan McAnally gave a very interesting report at the church AGM on Wednesday. Here are a few of the details. SermonAudio was founded by Steven Lee in 2000. He was a member of the Toronto church before his family moved to Greenville, S.C. The chief objective is the preservation and propagation of the Gospel. Currently, there are almost 2 million sermons available for download in 53 languages. At present, there are 35,464 different speakers.
Congratulations to Krista and Richard Monteith on the birth of beautiful twin girls on September 20th. Oaklee and Taytum – two more great-grandchildren for Frank and May McClelland.
“I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haugthiness of the terrible.” Isaiah 13:11.
“This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations.” Isaiah. 14:26.
Covid first surfaced early in 2020 and was declared a major crisis on March 12. Six months later it continues virtually unabated with the worldwide death toll topping 1 million. Since its onset, there have been 34.4 million infected and 23.9 million recoveries. That means that about 70% will recover and 3 out of every infection will succumb. The figures for Canada are 162,000 infections, 9,403 deaths (5.8%) and 137,000 recoveries (84%). That means that Canada’s recovery rate is considerably better than the rest of the world. Toronto has had 19,593 infections with 1,181(6.0%) deaths and 16,329 recoveries (83.%).
Christians need to bombard the gates of heaven with importune prayer that the Lord will soon put an end to the pandemic, but not until God’s sovereign purposes are fulfilled. Only God can do it. See 2 Samuel 24:16 for encouragement. Pray also that God will fulfill His promise in Exodus 15:26, “I will put none of these diseases upon thee.” Note this is a conditional promise – on obedience. (See Deuteronomy 28:6).