“I love the Sabbath most of all because one day, by God’s grace, I shall enjoy an eternal Sabbath in glory. [Hebrews 4:9]. My Heavenly Father does not compare the blessedness and peace of heaven with a workday Monday or a pleasure saturated Saturday, but He likens it to the Sabbath day.”[Rev. Professor Adam Loughridge].
This short quote came from the latest issue of the Canadian Lord’s Day Association magazine and was a great blessing to this writer. In 1949, as a boy of thirteen, I was sent off to the Reformed Presbyterian Church youth camp. It was held in the popular seaside resort of Portrush in conjunction with the local Glenmanus Reformed Presbyterian Church. Adam Loughridge was the minister there, and although I was not a Christian at the time, his godly life, gracious and humble manner had a big impact on my life. He was also a very good, faithful, and interesting preacher.
Our family moved to the Free Presbyterian Church, and so lost touch with the Covenanters, but I have never lost respect for those faithful campers who had such a positive impact in preparing my life at a later time to receive Christ as my Saviour.
The Toronto congregation was saddened to say farewell to Mrs. Campbell on Tuesday past. She was 97, a devoted Christian, and a very dear soul. She and her daughter Beverley were members of the church for many years. We extend to Beverley, and the other family members, our heartfelt sympathy for the loss of their mother.
Mrs. Pina D’Addurno also lost her mother this past week. Pina is the wife of the Rev. Tony D’Addurno, the minister of Barrie Free Presbyterian Church. Our condolences also go out to Pina and the D’Addurno family. The death of a mother is a serious blow to any family. Only the Lord can fill the gap.
The fourth commandment [Exodus 20:7-11] is not part of the ceremonial law or civil law of Israel that is no longer incumbent upon God’s people. It is part of the moral law that has never been abrogated. It still stands today. It cannot, therefore, be relegated to a by-gone age, but should be observed in our generation. God says “remember.” Sadly some Christians have been forgetful.
God has ordained six days in every week for our own temporal affairs and only one to be set aside for Him. We should not begrudge the Lord one day out of seven. God set us the example when He rested Himself after the six days of creation.
We are to be God-like so we should follow His example. Business days throughout the week tend to make God’s people forget the Lord and His word. But the Sabbath is a delight as cold hearts are warmed by the breath of God as we meet on His special day.
“If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour Him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then thou shalt delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” [Isaiah 58:13-14].
The Christian today does not observe the Jewish ‘seventh day’ Sabbath but worships on the Christian Sabbath – the Lord’s Day – the first day of the week. The word “Sabbath” simply means ‘rest’ or ‘day of rest.’ It is the Lord’s day. “The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. this is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes. This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it” [Psa. 118:22-24]
The Jewish Sabbath on the crucifixion week was far from a day of rejoicing and gladness – it was a day of extreme sadness as Christ lay in the tomb. The next day – the first day of the week – was one of great joy for Jesus had risen from the dead.
The Christian Sabbath – Sunday is a day of rejoicing as God’s people commemorate the glorious resurrection of their Saviour.
“There remaineth therefore a rest (a Sabbath day’s rest in heaven) to the people of God” [Hebrews 4:9].