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So far TFPC has created 737 blog entries.

Bits and Pieces – 175th Edition – July 16, 2023


     When Jesus taught His disciples to pray He told them to say, “Our Father” [Matthew 6:9].  He did not say “Our Creator” or “Our King” although both would be correct.  He said, “Our Father”  highlighting the special relationship He has with His children.      He is our Father by creation – He made [...]

Bits and Pieces – 175th Edition – July 16, 20232023-07-15T22:17:36-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 174th Edition – July 9, 2023


     We are all familiar with the name Philip in the Bible, but how many know that there are several Philips?   There is Philip the Apostle, [Matthew 10:3] and Philip the Deacon, or Evangelist [Acts 6:5], who were followers of Christ.  Two of the Herods were also called Philip. One was Philip of Ituraea [...]

Bits and Pieces – 174th Edition – July 9, 20232023-07-09T01:09:13-04:00

Weekly Bulletin – July 9, 2023


Devotional “As the sun.” Judges 5:31 What a majestic body in the heavens the sun is. It contains about 99.87% of the entire mass in our solar system. It burns up some 4 million tons in weight every second, generating estimated temperatures deep inside it of 36 million degrees centigrade. It is the [...]

Weekly Bulletin – July 9, 20232023-07-07T22:02:08-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 173rd Edition – July 2, 2023


“Every word of God is pure” [Proverbs 30:5]      It cannot be otherwise.  The Holy Scriptures are holy because their Author is holy.  They are the “oracles of God.” [I Peter 4:11].  An oracle is something that is spoken.  Every word from the mouth of Him who cannot lie must be absolutely pure.  The [...]

Bits and Pieces – 173rd Edition – July 2, 20232023-07-02T00:05:38-04:00

Weekly Bulletin – July 2, 2023


Devotional “Let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries to my soul;…” Psalm 71:13 It was a gracious revelation to my human spirit when I discovered that the Word of God was actually on my side, operating in my behalf! I was reading Psalm 71 and I came to this amazing statement: [...]

Weekly Bulletin – July 2, 20232023-07-01T12:40:06-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 172nd Edition – June 25, 2023


Friday night, June 23, was a great night for the Cloverdale, B.C., congregation. After a pulpit vacancy since the retirement of the Rev. Ian Goligher, the people welcomed the ordination and installation of their new minister, the Rev. Andrew Fitton. The new Free Presbyterian moderator, Dr. Larry Saunders, conducted the service and prayer was [...]

Bits and Pieces – 172nd Edition – June 25, 20232023-06-25T15:28:15-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 171st Edition – June 18, 2023


“I have kept the faith”   [Acts 24:25]      Paul lived a long and illustrious life. From the day he was converted to Christ he was a dedicated servant of his master.  He spared no effort to reach souls with the Gospel message, traveling over land and sea as a herald of the cross.  Life, [...]

Bits and Pieces – 171st Edition – June 18, 20232023-06-17T21:58:05-04:00

Weekly Bulletin – June 18, 2023


Devotional "For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy, I dwell in the high and holy place.” (Isaiah 57:15) While God has many attributes such as love, mercy, and justice, holiness is said to be His fundamental attribute. Even regarding God’s love, theologian Augustus Strong said, [...]

Weekly Bulletin – June 18, 20232023-06-17T21:47:58-04:00

Bits and Pieces – 170th Edition – June 11, 2023


“Every one that … looketh upon it, shall live”      The healing of the Israelites who had been bitten by the fiery serpents was according to a divine plan.  It was a means of healing that human wisdom would never have contrived.  The victims were commanded to look upon a serpent of brass set [...]

Bits and Pieces – 170th Edition – June 11, 20232023-06-10T00:38:16-04:00
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