A random collection of news and views compiled by Frank McClelland for the Toronto Free Presbyterian Church.
225th Edition – January 12, 2025
“Bits and Pieces” was originally started to provide a random collection of news and views for the Toronto church. However, it is now going to a wider audience.
Perhaps some of our readers would like to have it sent to their friends. All you have to do is send elder Jonathan McAnally the e-mail address of your friend. Jonathan can be reached at He will add it to the church list, and it will be delivered to them each Sunday morning at no cost to you or them.
God reveals Himself basically in two ways. There is the general revelation of nature. It shows us the wonder of God’s creative genius and power. Both in macro (large) and micro (small) we see evidence of God’s existence and work in nature.
Through scientific observation and interpretation, the book of nature is more open than at any time in history. Sadly, many people are blind to the work of the great Designer and Sustainer of all things. But nature has its limits, it does not tell us what God is like.
Hence, God speaks to us in the special revelation of His Word. Here we find out about the Person of God and His relationship to us as His created beings. Sometimes in order to properly understand the Lord’s message we have to take Nature and the Word together. For example, it would be impossible to understand Jesus as the “Sun of Righteousness” [Malachi 4:1] without looking at how the sun pictures Christ.
The sun pictures the CENTRALITY OF CHRIST. It makes up 99.87% of the total mass of our Solar System. It would take a third of a million Earths to balance the sun.
Jesus is central in our theology system. From Genesis to Revelation the Bible speaks of Him. As the “true Vine” [John15:1] He is central in the church. Is He central in your life? He must be.
The sun pictures the CONSTANCY OF CHRIST. It always burns with the same intensity. With normal combustion it would burn out in 1500 years, but it is estimated it can last for 16,000 million years!
Christ, the Lord is the One who does not change [Malachi 3:6. Hebrews 13:8]. But we do not always enjoy the full light and warmth of the natural sun. At night when the earth has turned its back on the sun, or in winter when the distance between us and the sun is greater. The lessons are clear. Have we turned our back on the Lord, or have we gotten further away from Him?
The sun pictures the COMMISSION OF CHRIST. The sun sends two kinds of rays to earth – those that are lifegiving and those that are deadly. This reminds us of the two-fold ministry of Christ as Saviour and Judge. There is a wonderful thought here.
We are protected from the sun’s deadly rays by the air canopy around the earth. The Psalmist said, “The Lord is a sun and shield” [Psalm 84:11].To the believer He is the life-giving “Sun of righteousness.” We are blessed and also protected from the rays of God’s judgment by the canopy of the blood of Christ. The unsaved are vulnerable to the eternal death-dealing rays of judgment.
The sun pictures the COMPASSION OF CHRIST. Without the sun flowers languish and droop. The sun revives them. We cannot buy, make or move the sun. To enjoy it we just need to step into the sunlight. The Lord gives liberty as calves “go forth” [4:2] from filthy winter stalls to green pastures of springtime. The sun is essential for growth. Jesus, the “Sun,” shines on His Word and we “grow in grace” [II Peter 3:18].
The sun also pictures the COUNTENANCE OF CHRIST. [Revelation 1:16]. Jesus is the Sun “of righteousness.” He is sinless, absolutely pure. Sunlight reveals dirt. You think your windshield is clean until the sun shines on it! The closer we live to Christ the more the tiniest sin is obnoxious to us, and we have to have it cleansed by the blood of Christ [I John 1:7].
Sunlight reveals beauty. Without it all is drab and colourless. May the sunlight of the Saviour always be upon us. Let us pray daily, “Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us.” [Psalm 90:17].