Submitting to God’s Purpose

“…I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” 1 Corinthians 9:22

A Christian worker has to learn how to be God’s man or woman of great worth and excellence in the midst of a multitude of meager and worthless things. Never protest by saying, “If only I were somewhere else!” All of God’s people are ordinary people who have been made extraordinary by the purpose He has given them. Unless we have the right purpose intellectually in our minds and lovingly in our hearts, we will very quickly be diverted from being useful to God. We are not workers for God by choice. Many people deliberately choose to be workers, but they have no purpose of God’s almighty grace or His mighty Word in them. Paul’s whole heart, mind, and soul were consumed with the great purpose of what Jesus Christ came to do, and he never lost sight of that one thing. We must continually confront ourselves with one central fact— “…Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2).

“I chose you…” (John 15:16). Keep these words as a wonderful reminder in your theology. It is not that you have gotten God, but that He has gotten you. God is at work bending, breaking, molding, and doing exactly as He chooses. And why is He doing it? He is doing it for only one purpose— that He may be able to say, “This is My man, and this is My woman.” We have to be in God’s hand so that He can place others on the Rock, Jesus Christ, just as He has placed us.

Never choose to be a worker, but once God has placed His call upon you, woe be to you if you “turn aside…to the right or the left…” (Deuteronomy 28:14). He will do with you what He never did before His call came to you, and He will do with you what He is not doing with other people. Let Him have His way.    – Oswald Chambers

The Lord's Day Services

Sunday, November 5th

10:00a.m. Sunday School for all ages.

11:00a.m. Morning Service – Rev. Reggie Cranston

6:00p.m. Pre-Service Prayer Time

6:30p.m. Evening Service – Pastor Daniel Olson

Weekly Events

Weekly Announcements

Wednesday, November 8th

7:25p.m. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study

Friday, November 10th

9:00a.m. Women’s Morning Bible Study

10:30a.m. Remembrance Day Service

7:00p.m. Good News Bible Club

Weekly Events
Upcoming Events

Advance Announcements

Sunday, November 12th

10:00a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class

11:00a.m. Morning Service – Dr. Stephen Pollock (Malvern FPC, Malvern PA)

Communion following the morning service.

6:00p.m. Pre-Service Prayer Time

6:30p.m. Evening Service – Dr. Stephen Pollock 

Wednesday, November 15th

7:25p.m. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study

Friday, November 17th

7:00p.m. Good News Bible Club

Saturday, November 18th 

9:45a.m. St. Jacobs Day Trip

Upcoming Events

St. Jacobs Day Trip

Anyone who is interested, is welcome to come on Saturday, November 18th for a day trip to St. Jacobs, ON.  The bus will leave the church at 9:45a.m. and return by 5:00p.m. We will first visit the Crossroads Restaurant for a buffet lunch, then the Farmers’ Market and local shops. The cost of the lunch is $25 for adults and $12.50 for children under 12yrs old. Seating is limited, so please fill in the sign-up sheet in the church foyer as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please see Jonathan McAnally. We look forward to a good day of fellowship, rain or shine!

Please Pray for