
Rise and Pray

“Why sleep ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.” — Luke 22:46

When is the Christian most liable to sleep? Is it not when his temporal circumstances are prosperous? Have you not found it so? When you had daily troubles to take to the throne of grace, were you not more wakeful than you are now? Easy roads make sleepy travellers. Another dangerous time is when all goes pleasantly in spiritual matters. Christian went not to sleep when lions were in the way, or when he was wading through the river, or when fighting with Apollyon, but when he had climbed halfway up the Hill Difficulty, and came to a delightful arbour, he sat down, and forthwith fell asleep, to his great sorrow and loss. The enchanted ground is a place of balmy breezes, laden with fragrant odours and soft influences, all tending to lull pilgrims to sleep. Remember Bunyan’s description: “Then they came to an arbour, warm, and promising much refreshing to the weary pilgrims; for it was finely wrought above head, beautified with greens, and furnished with benches and settles. It had also in it a soft couch, where the weary might lean.” “The arbour was called the Slothful’s Friend, and was made on purpose to allure, if it might be, some of the pilgrims to take up their rest there when weary.” Depend upon it, it is in easy places that men shut their eyes and wander into the dreamy land of forgetfulness. Old Erskine wisely remarked, “I like a roaring devil better than a sleeping devil.” There is no temptation half so dangerous as not being tempted. The distressed soul does not sleep; it is after we enter into peaceful confidence and full assurance that we are in danger of slumbering. The disciples fell asleep after they had seen Jesus transfigured on the mountain top. Take heed, joyous Christian, good frames are near neighbours to temptations: be as happy as you will, only be watchful. – C.H. Spurgeon

This Week

Advanced Announcements

Port Hope Anniversary Services

Port Hope Free Presbyterian Church has invited everyone to attend their 29th Anniversary services. The guest preacher is the Rev. Brian McClung from Newtownabbey FPC, N. Ireland. The theme of the messages is Christ in the Lily Psalms. The services are from October 24th – 28th at 7:30 p.m. each evening. If you need a ride, please speak to one of our elders.

Hospitality Teams

As we have returned to our monthly fellowship after the evening service, we would like to renew the Hospitality Teams. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer for ladies interested in serving in this area. Thank you!

Women's Bible Study


Please Pray for