Conformed to His Image
For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. John 13:15
EVERY soul re-cast into this model, every mind conformed to this pattern, and every life reflecting this image, is an exalting and a glorifying of the Son of God. There is no single practical truth in the word of God on which the Spirit is more emphatic than the example, which Christ has set for the imitation of His followers. The Church needed a perfect pattern, a flawless model. It wanted an impersonation, a living embodiment of those precepts of the gospel so strictly enjoined upon every believer, and God has graciously set before us our true model. “Whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son.” And what says Christ Himself? “My sheep follow me.” We allow that there are points in which we cannot and are not required literally and strictly to follow Christ. We cannot lay claim to His infallibility. He who sets himself up as infallible in his judgment, spotlessly pure in his heart, and perfect in his attainments in holiness, deceives his own soul. Jesus did many things, too, as our Surety, which we cannot do. We cannot drink of the cup of Divine trembling which He drank; nor can we be baptized with the baptism of blood with which He was baptized. He did many things as a Jew—was circumcised, kept the Passover & Christian.—which are not obligatory upon us. Yet, in all that is essential to our sanctification, to our holy, obedient, God-glorifying walk, He has “left us an example, that we should follow His steps.” In His lowly spirit, meek, humble deportment, and patient endurance of suffering: “Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart.” In the disinterestedness of His love, His pure benevolence, the unselfishness of His religion: “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others: let this mind be you which was also in Christ Jesus.” “For even Christ pleased not Himself.” Look not every man on his own circle, his own family, his own gifts, his own interests, comfort, and happiness; upon his own Church, his own community, his own minister. Let him not look upon these exclusively. Let him not prefer his own advantage to the public good. Let him not be self-willed in matters involving the peace and comfort of others. Let him not form favorite theories, or individual opinions, to the hazard of a Church’s prosperity or of a family’s happiness. Let him yield, sacrifice, and give place, rather than carry a point to the detriment of others. Let him, with a generous, magnanimous, disinterested spirit; in all things imitate Jesus, who “pleased not Himself.” Let him seek the good of others, honoring their gifts, respecting their opinions, nobly yielding when they correct and overrule his own. Let him promote the peace of the Church, consult the honour of Christ, and seek the glory of God, above and beyond all private and selfish ends. This is to be conformed to the image of God’s dear Son, to which high calling we are predestinated; and in any feature of resemblance which the Holy Spirit brings out in the holy life of a follower of the Lamb, Christ is thereby glorified before men and angels. – Octavius Winslow
The Lord’s Day Services
October 2nd |
10:00a.m. | Sunday School for all ages. |
11:00a.m. | Morning Service – Rev. Thomas Martin | |
12:30p.m. | Communion Service – Dr. Larry Saunders | |
6:00p.m. | Pre-Service Prayer Meeting | |
6:30p.m. | Evening Service – Rev. Thomas Martin |
Weekly Announcements
October 5th |
7:25p.m. | Bible Study & Prayer Meeting |
October 6th |
7:30p.m. | Youth Fellowship |
October 7th |
7:00p.m. | Good News Bible Club |
Advance Announcements
October 9th |
10:00a.m. | Sunday School Classes for all ages. |
11:00a.m. | Morning Service – Dr. Larry Saunders | |
4:00p.m. | Outreach to distribute invitations to Sunday school and Good News Bible Club | |
6:00p.m. | Pre-service Prayer Meeting | |
6:30p.m. | Evening Service – Dr. Larry Saunders | |
October 12th |
7:25p.m. | Bible Study and Prayer Meeting |
October 13th |
6:00p.m. | Session Meeting |
7:30p.m. | Board Meeting | |
October 14th |
9:00a.m. | Women’s Morning Bible Study |
7:00p.m. | Good News Bible Club |
Please Pray For:
B.B. Warfield

“We have but one Saviour; and that one Saviour is Jesus Christ our Lord. Nothing that we are and nothing that we can do enters in the slightest measure into the ground of our acceptance with God. Jesus did it all.”
Thanksgiving Food Donation – Sunday Oct 10th

Each year, we encourage all in our congregation to share of the bounty the Lord has blessed us with. We ask that you would bring some non-perishable food items that we can donate to those who are in need in our community. There will be a large bin in the foyer of the church to drop your food items in.
Presbytery Meetings Oct 3rd – 7th Indianapolis, IN

Please remember Dr. Saunders and all our Ministers and Elders as they gather for meetings and times of prayer. We trust the Lord for safety in travel and that they would know the nearness and direction of the Lord.
Port Hope FPC 23rd Anniversary Meetings October 16th – 21st

Theme: Contending for the Faith
Speaker: Rev. John Greer – Ballymena FPC
Sunday, October 16th at 11am & 6 pm
Monday, October 18th – Friday, October 21st at 7:30 pm
Everyone is welcome to attend.