Fishers Follow Him
“And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men” Mark 1:17
Only by coming after Jesus can we obtain our heart’s desire and be really useful to our fellow men. Oh, how we long to be successful fishers for Jesus! We would sacrifice our lives to win souls. However, we are tempted to try methods, which Jesus would never have tried. Shall we yield to this suggestion of the enemy? If so, we may splash the water, but we shall never take the fish. We must follow after Jesus if we would succeed. Sensational methods, entertainment, and so forth — are these coming after Jesus? Can we imagine the LORD Jesus drawing a congregation by such means as are now commonly used? What is the result of such expedients? The result is nothing, which Jesus will count up at the last great day.
We must keep to our preaching as our Master did, for by this means souls are saved. We must preach our LORD’s doctrine and proclaim a full and free gospel, for this is the net in which souls are taken, we must preach with His gentleness, boldness, and love, for this is the secret of success with human hearts. We must work under divine anointing, depending upon the sacred Spirit. Thus, coming after Jesus, and not running before Him, not aside from Him, we shall be fishers of men. – C.H. Spurgeon
The Lord’s Day Services
Sunday, June 5th | 10:00a.m. | Sunday School classes for all ages.
Adult Bible Class: Sovereignty of God – Dr. Frank McClelland |
11:00a.m. | Morning Service – Dr. Larry Saunders | |
5:00p.m. | Special Prayer Time: Focus on Our City and Country | |
6:00p.m. | Pre-Service Prayer Meeting | |
6:30p.m. | Evening Service – Dr. Larry Saunders
Communion Service following. |
Weekly Announcements
Wednesday, June 8th | 7:25p.m. | Prayer Meeting & Bible Study |
Thursday, June 9th | 6:00p.m. | Session Meeting |
7:30p.m. | Session & Board Meeting | |
Friday, June 10th | 9:00a.m. | Women’s Morning Bible Study |
7:00p.m. | Good News Bible Club
Final meeting for this season. |
Advance Announcements
Sunday, June 12th | 11:00a.m. | Morning Service – Dr. Larry Saunders |
5:00p.m. | Special Prayer Time: Focus on Our City and Country | |
6:30p.m. | Evening Service – Dr. Larry Saunders | |
Wednesday, June 15th | 7:25p.m. | Prayer Meeting & Bible Study |
Thursday, June 16th | 7:30p.m. | Women’s Missionary Fellowship |
Please Pray For:
Special Prayer Time

We will be having an extended time of prayer each Sunday, starting May 29th and for the month of June, focusing on our city and country. Meeting at 5:00p.m.
Community Outreach

Everyone is welcome to join our community outreach, each Sunday afternoon from June 12th to July 3rd. The Jew family will be providing a light lunch for those staying after the morning service. Others can meet at the church at 4:00p.m. May the Lord help us all to be “fishers of men”.
Church Grounds Maintenance

If you are able to help with some ground maintenance around the church property, please see the list of jobs in the church foyer. If you have any questions, please speak to Maher Louis or James Fraser. Thank you for your help in this area!
Vacation Bible School – August 8 – 12, 2016

We will be holding our Vacation Bible School program during the week of August 8th – 12th in the evening, if you are interested in helping, please sign the sheet in the foyer of the church.