
Faith and Obedience

“So Abram departed as the Lord had instructed him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he left Haran.” Genesis 12:4

That was faith. Obedience proved it. Abram did not know where he was going; he had simply the call of God and a promise. But he asked no questions. He did not insist on knowing how his journey would come out, how profitable it would be, just what he would get in exchange for the land he was leaving and the sacrifice he was making. Quietly, without question or hesitation, he arose, cut the ties that bound him to his old home, and departed.

That is the kind of faith all of us should have, whenever God gives us a call and a promise. Some people want to see where they are going before they will begin to follow Christ; but that is not walking by faith at all.

We should not trouble ourselves to know where we are to be led, if only we know that God is leading us. His guidance is safe; and we should be willing to trust him, do precisely what he says, and go just where he leads, without asking any questions. Abraham’s life is a picture of a true “walk with God.” – J.R. Miller

This Week

Advanced Announcements

Spring Bible Conference 2025


Please Pray for

Praying for friends in need

  • Ron Blair
  • Jean Bynoe
  • Maud Bennett
  • Muriel Crothers
  • June Gangadin
  • Ted and Isabelle Glynn
  • Dr. and May McClelland
  • Duncan and Joan McKerchar
  • Barbara Nichols
  • Grace Puccini

  • Maria Santos
  • Grace Saunders
  • Ruth Slade
  • Anna Tan
  • Mary Todd
  • Richard Teo
  • Clifton and Hyacinth Powell
  • Norma Wilson
  • Serene Wong
  • Marjorie Wright