Not Forgotten in Heaven
“Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel in the breastplate of judgment upon his heart, … for a memorial before the Lord.” Exodus 28: 29
The role of the high priest of Israel foreshadowed the high priestly office of Christ. Today’s text sets one particular feature of that office before us, namely, that as high priest, Christ is the representative of His people in heaven.
When Aaron went into the holy place he took the names of the children of Israel with him. The names of the twelve tribes were engraved on twelve stones set into his breastplate. Acting as the representative of His people, he took their names into the tabernacle before the Lord.
In this representative role, the high priest was in union with God’s people. The context shows that the breastplate bearing the names of the children of Israel was joined to Aaron’s ephod “with a lace of blue,” in order “that the breastplate be not loosed from the ephod” (verse 28). Clearly, in all these details there is the thought of the union of the high priest with the people he represented : the twelve tribes were inseparably one with Aaron when he went within the veil to represent them.
All this is typical of the union of Christ and His redeemed people. As our high priest, Christ has not entered heaven in isolation from His people. Note in our text the words “upon his heart.” What a strikingly apt phrase! This is where the names of the Israel of God are engraved, on the heart of Christ. The bond could not be closer or more secure. Joined to our representative in His high priestly ministry, we are not forgotten in heaven. The Father hears and sees us when He hears and sees His Son. We are on His heart “for a memorial before the Lord continually,” the word memorial carrying the idea of a reminder. In union with our representative in glory we are constantly remembered before God. We cannot be forgotten.
“A Word in Season” published by Let the Bible Speak. © Let the Bible Speak 2010 – All Rights Reserved.
This Week
Advanced Announcements
Family Skate and Lunch
Everyone is invited to a family skate on Saturday, February 22, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You are welcome to invite extended family and friends. We have rented the ice at the Canlan Sports Arena at 159 Dynamic Dr, Scarborough, ON M1V 5L8. Helmets are recommended for everyone but are only mandatory for youth 16 years old and younger. A pizza lunch will be provided at the church following the skating. The skating cost is $20 per person. ($10 for 12 years old and younger.) Please see Jonathan McAnally for payment.
Please Pray for
Praying for friends in need