The Bible is like a magnificent palace constructed of precious oriental stone, comprising sixty-six stately rooms. Each one is different from its fellows, and is perfect in its individual beauty, while together they form a building incomparably majestic, glorious and sublime.
In Genesis, we enter the grand Vestibule, where we are immediately introduced to the records of the mighty work of God in creation.
This vestibule gives access to the Law Courts, passing through which we come to the Picture Gallery of the historical books. Here we find pictures of battles, heroic deeds, and portraits of valiant men and women of God.
Beyond the picture gallery we find the Philosopher’s Chamber – the book of Job. Then we enter the Music Room – the book of Psalms. Here we linger, thrilled by the grandest harmonies that ever fell on human ears.
Then we come to the Business Office – the book of Proverbs – in the very centre of which stands the motto, “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. ‘’
After that we pass into the Research Department – Ecclesiastes, and into the Conservatory – the Song of Solomon – where greet us the fragrant aroma of fruits and flowers, and the sweet singing of the birds.
Now we come to the Observatory where the Prophets with their powerful telescopes are looking for the appearing of the “Bright and Morning Star,” prior to the dawning of the “Sun of Righteousness.”
Crossing the courtyard, we come to the Audience Chamber of the King – the Gospels – where we see four life-like portraits of the King Himself, revealing the perfections of His infinite beauty.
Next we enter the Workroom of the Holy Spirit – the Acts of the Apostles, and beyond that the Correspondence Room – the Epistles. Here we see Paul and Peter, James, John and Jude busy at their desks under the personal direction of the Spirit of Truth.
Finally, we enter the Throne Room – the book of Revelation – where we are enrapt by the mighty volume of adoration and praise which is ever addressed to the enthroned King and which fills the vast chamber.
In the adjacent Galleries and Judgment Hall are portrayed solemn scenes of judgment and wondrous scenes of glory associated with the coming appearance of the Son of God as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. [Author Unknown].
You can always tell when a man is a great way from God – he is always talking about himself, and how good he is. But the moment he sees God by the eyes of faith, he is down on his knees; and like Job he cries, “I am vile.” [D. L. Moody].
The Church and School are busily engaged in a drive to replace the aging School bus. Already, a third of the roughly $165,000 needed has been raised. What can you do to help? There are some who could write a cheque for the whole amount, but normally it is when everybody chips in with smaller amounts that the target is met. The Lord loves a “cheerful giver”. [2 Corinthians 9:7].
A spoonerism, named after the Rev. Spooner, is an unintentional exchange of the first letters, or sounds, of succeeding words. Ministers are not immune from occasional verbal gaffes in their sermons. A very well known preacher introduced a speaker whose name was Chuck Coftee as ‘Cof Chucktee.’ Another exhorted his hearers to mount up on ‘Weagle’s ings’ [Ezekiel 1], while another spoke of the famous Christian school as ‘Jaw Bones University.’
A triple spoonerism is as rare as a trapeze artist accomplishing a triple somersault, but one Ulster preacher managed it. When preaching on the Exodus, he recounted dramatically how the children of Israel were pursued by “the thundering hooves of Haroah’s Fariot Chorses. There is many a slip between the text and the lip!