“Every word of God is pure” [Proverbs 30:5]
It cannot be otherwise. The Holy Scriptures are holy because their Author is holy. They are the “oracles of God.” [I Peter 4:11]. An oracle is something that is spoken. Every word from the mouth of Him who cannot lie must be absolutely pure. The God of truth has spoken. How unthinkable that His Word be tinged with false-hood! God has graciously revealed Himself. How dreadful the consequences if divine revelation were marred with inaccuracies!
J.C. Ryle put it succinctly:“Once admit the principle that the writers of the Bible could make mistakes, and were not in all things guided by the Spirit, and I know not where I am. I see nothing certain, nothing solid, and nothing trustworthy in the foundations of my faith. A fog has descended on the Book of God, and enveloped every chapter in uncertainty!”
Let us hold fast to the absolute trustworthiness of the Bible. No other book has been so tried and tested. “The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver is tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times” [Psalm 12:6].
The divine volume has been cast through the furnace of the fiercest criticism. It has passed the hottest of fires; yet it has come forth without even the smell of burning upon it.
“Come” C.H. Spurgeon challenged, “search, ye critics, and find a flaw; examine it from its Genesis to its Revelation and find an error. This is a vein of pure gold unalloyed by quartz or any earthly substance. This is a star without a speck; a sun without a blot; a light without darkness; a moon without paleness, a glory without a dimness.”
Rejoice, Christian. The foundation of God standeth sure! [Rev. Michael Patrick].
In the recent ridiculous mayoral election in Toronto, with over one hundred candidates – and a dog! – standing for election, much was made of the progressive nature of many of the candidates. The press highlighted this over and over again, and it was presented as if this was a good thing, but it is not.
What does it mean to be politically progressive? Examine the policies of such and you will find that they support abortion, which is murder no matter how you look at it. You will never hear a progressive appeal for responsible sex practices.
Progressives invariably support the homosexual movement and are to be seen prominently at the so-called ‘pride’ parades. They deny the clear biblical teaching which has nothing good to say about homosexual behaviour.
Progressives support euthanasia, or assisted suicide. They are also responsible for the legalization of marijuana and the multiplication of cannabis stores that now pollute the country. The current confusion over the sexual orientation of children can be laid fairly at the door of the progressives.
These are just some of the areas occupied by the progressives. And if anyone dares to speak out against his or her wicked behavior, that one is written off as some sort of unintelligent ‘red neck’ as they try to smother free speech.
Those who oppose the unholy progressive agenda need to stand up for what is right, and speak up for that which is true and holy. They need to ask the Lord for strength to stand.”
“Set a mark upon … the men that … cry” [Ezekiel 9:4]
God wants identified men. This mark surely sets each man apart, his life well pleasing to his Master. The Saviour knows the number of His redeemed. Thus He sets His seal upon every one of them.
Sin should alarm the saints. Abominations should distress them. Let us never allow ourselves to become hardened. Hebrews – is like Ezekiel, the book of the inner sanctuary, – warns against being hardened by the deceitfulness of sin [Hebrews 3:13]. We must keep a tender conscience in all things.
Good men are marked by brokenness and prayer. They sigh for all the abominations done in the midst of Jerusalem. Too many pray with dry eyes, and dull hearts, dilatory, wandering, thoughts. God requires a contrite spirit, not much in evidence these days [Psalm 51:17].
There is no exception by class in God’s sight. The little children, the ancients, and the sanctuary men – all become answerable for what they do [Ezekiel 9:6,10]. We must all bear the mark of the Lord on earth to be owned by Him in glory. [Dr. John Douglas]
“It is a human thing to fall into sin, a devilish
thing to persevere in it, and an angelical
thing to rise out of it.” [Augustine]