The modernist says no, but Jesus said to His disciples, “I go to prepare a place for you”  [John 14:3].   Heaven is a place prepared for God’s people.

Heaven is a place prepared by God.  Abraham looked “for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God” [Hebrews 11:10].

Heaven is a place for believers.  “Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me” [John 14:1].

Heaven is a place where believer’s names are.  Jesus said, “Rejoice, because your names are written in heaven” [Luke 10:20].  Their places are prepared and reserved for them.  Their names are inscribed on the breastplate and shoulders of their great High Priest, Jesus Christ.  Their names are also engraved upon His hands [Isaiah 49:16].

Heaven is where the redeemed of all nations are [Revelation 7:9].  Every colour, class, nation, and tribe will be represented there.  Believers will have the best of company [Matthew 8:11].  Will we know and be known in heaven?  Yes, how else would we know Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

Heaven is where the glorified Christ is.  The angels [Acts 1:11] and Stephen [Acts 7:55] testify to that glorious fact. He, Stephen, saw “Jesus standing on the right hand of God.”


No tears there.  The universal language of grief will be wiped away by the Lord [Revelation 21:4].

No sorrow there.  The fountain of the world’s sorrow will be dried up.

No pain there.  Many of God’s saints plod wearily towards the swelling of Jordan with a body that cries out continually in sickness and pain.  Heaven will be a double blessing when pain is no more.

No death there.  The great enemy of mankind will itself be buried, and forever laid to rest.

No night there.  Darkness, the abode of the wicked, and the hider of all that is beautiful, will flee before the glorious Light of heaven – the Lamb of God.

No curse there.  The whole world has been under the curse placed in Genesis because of the sin of mankind.  This curse is removed in Revelation because of Christ’s righteousness. [Revelation 22:3].

No sea there.  There is lots of water in heaven.  There is “the fountain of the water of life” [Revelation 21:6] and “a pure river of water of life” [Revelation 22:1], but there is “no more sea” [Revelation 21:1].  The sea is a barrier and a separator and pictures death, sin and the sinner [Isaiah 57:20].

The big question is not “Is there a heaven,” but Will you be there?  Remember the clarity of God’s Word.

“There shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of Life” [Rev. 21:27].


All Scripture is Inspired and Profitable.     2 Timothy 3:16.

All Writers are Inspired and Prophetic.      2 Peter 1:21.

Every Word is Inspired and Pure. Proverbs 30:5 and Matthew 5:18.

Every Jot (smallest Hebrew letter) and every Tittle (smallest Hebrew distinguishing mark) is Inspired and Preserved.  Matthew 5:18.


The Governor of Louisiana, Jeff Landry, signed a bill this week to make the display of the Ten Commandments obligatory in every classroom in the state.  He is to be commended for such courageous action.  No doubt there will be much opposition, but the Lord, whose Word is being honoured and upheld, will surely defeat the enemies of the Gospel.  Hopefully, other states will follow this good example.  It will be interesting to watch the decline in crime rates that this move will bring about.