“Cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound” [Leviticus 25:9]
In ancient Israel, after seven Sabbaths of years, the fiftieth year was declared the Year of Jubilee. It began at the close of the Day of Atonement with the sounding of the trumpet. The holy convocations of Leviticus provide us with a picture gallery of Christ and the work of redemption. The Jubilee is a reminder of the great day when the trump of God shall sound, and the eternal Sabbath rest in heaven begins.
It is a period of rest. The battles have all been fought. The sweat and tears are forever wiped away. All toil is ended, and the believer enters into that everlasting rest that remains for the people of God. [Hebrews 4:9].
It is a period of restitution. Property in Israel that had been sold or alienated was returned to the original owners in the Year of Jubilee. Man in this present world is a dispossessed proprietor. He received much from God at creation but lost it in the fall. Christ has redeemed His people, restoring what was lost.
It is a period of release. Chains were broken, prison doors opened, and captives set free. At the trump of God, tombs will burst, and imprisoned bodies will be eternally freed. From sea floor to mountain top, and all places between, the resurrected bodies of dead saints will come forth in glorious liberty.
It is a period of reunion. In the Year of Jubilee, the members of scattered families will be joined together in a happy reunion. What a joyous occasion it will be when all the dispersed members of God’s redeemed family will meet in heaven. What a glorious prospect!
It is a period of refreshment. There was no sowing or reaping but the enjoyment of an abundant supply. The Israelites made preparation ahead of time for the Jubilee. On earth, we are to lay up treasure in heaven.
Dear Christian friend, sow today in righteousness and reap in mercy. The Lord will miss no deed of kindness done in His name. And listen for the trumpet sound: It may soon be heard.
Some object to the title “Reverend” when used by a Christian minister or preacher, stating that as it is a name of God, its use is, therefore, improper. Invariably they quote from the psalm, “Holy and reverend is His name” [Psalm 111:9] with the comment that, as this is the only occurrence of reverend in the Bible, then it should never be used of man.
That is not strictly correct. The Hebrew word translated reverend – ‘yare’ – occurs in several places under different English translations and sometimes is used of men. [1 Chronicles and Isaiah 18:2 etc.] hence the premise of the argument fails.
Furthermore, if the use of reverend be condemned then, by the same token, holy should not be used either for it says, “Holy and reverend is His name.” But the Bible itself speaks of “Holy men of God” who “spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” [2 Peter 1:21]. Human titles are of little value, but that argument is not valid.
In the study of the names of Go in the Bible, a difference will be seen between the names of identity and the names of character.
“Jehovah” is a name of identity, whereas “Holy and reverend” are names of character. The latter derive from the communicable attributes of God, that is, they can be communicated to man in a finite degree. Man can be holy and reverend in a sense limited by his sinful nature, whereas God has these attributes in an infinite sense.
On the other hand, some of names of identity derive from the incommunicable names of God. He is infinite, eternal and unchangeable. These are attributes that cannot be communicated to human beings. We are neither infinite nor eternal (we had a beginning), nor unchangeable.
The name Jehovah is the incommunicable name of God. It relates to His eternity as the great “I am” [Exodus 3:14]. It should never, ever, be used of man, which is why the Russellites, when they call themselves “Jehovah Witnesses,” seriously transgress.