The Folly of Humanism
“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” Psalm 14:1
Despite all their pretense of scientific intellectualism, those who deny the existence of a personal Creator God are, in God’s judgment, nothing but fools. The 14th Psalm, the 53rd Psalm, Romans 3, etc., all describe the inner character of all such people—whether they call themselves atheists or humanists or pantheists or whatever. This repeated emphasis indicates how strongly God feels about those who dare to question His reality. It is bad enough to disobey His commandments and to spurn His love; it is utter folly to deny that He even exists!
The Bible describes the awful descent from true creationism into evolutionary pantheistic humanism. “When they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. . . . Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator” (Romans 1:21-22, 25).
Certain atheists/humanists claim to be moral people, though their criteria of morality are often quite different from those of the Bible. No matter how admirable their humane acts of “righteousness” may seem, however, they are guilty of the sin of unbelief, the greatest sin of all. “Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is” (Hebrews 11:6). With all the innumerable evidences of God’s reality as seen in the creation and throughout history, and then especially in the Person and work of Jesus Christ, it is utter foolishness to plunge blindly into eternity to meet the God whom they deny. – Dr. Henry M. Morris
The Lord's Day Services
Sunday, February 12, 2017:
10:00a.m. Sunday School
11:00a.m. Morning Service – Dr. Larry Saunders
6:00p.m. Pre-service Prayer Time
6:30p.m. Evening Service – Dr. Larry Saunders
Weekly Announcements
Tuesday, February 14th:
7:30p.m. The Connect Group
Wednesday, February 15th:
7:25p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
Thursday, February 16th:
7:30p.m. Women’s Missionary Fellowship
7:30p.m. Youth Fellowship
Friday, February 17th:
7:00p.m. Good News Bible Club
Advance Announcements
Sunday, February 19th:
10:00a.m. Sunday School
11:00a.m. Morning Service – Dr. Larry Saunders
6:00p.m. Pre-service Prayer
6:30p.m. Evening Service – Dr. Larry Saunders
Wednesday, February 22nd:
7:25p.m. Congregational Information Meeting & Prayer
Friday, February 24th:
9:00a.m. Women’s Morning Bible Study
7:00p.m. Good News Bible Club
Called Home
On Tuesday, February 7th, Mrs. Elizabeth Hoult was called home to be with the Lord. We remember her family in prayer at this sad time. The funeral will be held at St. Dunstan’s of Canterbury Anglican Church, 53 Lawson Road, on Tuesday February 14th at 11:00 a.m. with visitation from 10:00a.m. to 11:00a.m.
Update on Nepal
Work on a new orphanage is progressing well and should be completed in a few months. The latest earth-quake proof procedures are being followed and when finished it will house double the number of children as the present one. Please continue to pray for Pastor Paul Thapa who heads the growing ministry and oversees the Nepal Presbytery. Rev. Wesley Graham, of the Ulster Presbytery, has served in Nepal for several years and plans to return in March to continue assisting in the training of young men for the ministry. Mr. Graham comments, “We are conscious of our great need for spiritual wisdom and physical strength for the duties awaiting us there. Without the Lord we can do nothing and all our labours are in vain. Thank you most sincerely for your prayerful and practical support in the past. We trust you will continue to remember us in your prayers.”
Rev. Wesley & Carol Graham
Rejoicing with the Mexico City Church
On February 5th, the Mexico City work was constituted as the first Free Presbyterian Church in Mexico. We rejoice with Rev. Jason Boyle and the congregation in reaching this milestone and trust many souls will be brought to Christ and many believers built up in their faith. 100 people attended the service including the Moderator, Rev. Myron Mooney, and Dr. Mark Allison, the Mission Board Chairman. Pastors Marcus and Lalo, who are studying under care of Presbytery, also attended. Please continue to pray for this vital mission field. Click here to read more.
Ministers attending the ordination service (from L to R ) Mr. Lalo Peña, Dr. Mark Allison, Rev. Myron Mooney, Rev. Jason Boyle, Rev. Derrick Bowman, Rev. Mike Goldfuss, and Mr. Marcus Reyes.
Please Pray for
Current Magazine

The Fall issue of the Current is now available online. Click on the link below to view it.